I’ve been told that, despite numerous courses of a/b over the past 6 months, I still have pseudomonas. I can’t take ciprafloxicin because it affected my tendons (a side effect apparently). The Dr has re-referred me to the consultant at the hospital and muttered about IV antibiotics to clear it up. Anyone else had this? Or advice on other options? Don’t want to spend time in hospital if I can avoid it😢
Pseudomonas not responded to a/b - Bronchiectasis Su...
Pseudomonas not responded to a/b
I have Bronchiectasis & pseudo on occasion. Does it cause problems for you? It seems to come & go for me without taking anything apart from azithromycin 3x weekly. I had ciprofloxacin to try to get rid of it. Didn't work & nasty side effects. So for the time being ill just plod on & clear lungs 2x daily with 7%saline.
Good luck! X
I also cannot tolerate cipro, therefore after being colonised with other bugs including pseudomonas I was given 2 weeks of iv drugs and touch wood have not had the nasty pseudomonas return, good luck stay strong xx
as far as I am aware cipro is the only oral antibiotic that works on pseudomonas. When it stopped working for me I had a two week course of iv antibiotics self administered at home. I then went onto nebulised colomycin. I am immune compromised so the pseudomonas made me very ill. Five years later I still nebulise the colomycin. Good luck do ask about having the ivs at home. They are reluctant to admit anyone nowadays.