Flare up , sputum cults grew pseudomonas. Am being tx. With Cipro and prednisone. Any new recommendations? Feeling lightheaded, fatigued from Cipro . Concerned about Cipro. Any recommendations for inhaled antibiotics and pseudomonas treatment
Bronchiectasis flare with sputum grow... - Bronchiectasis Su...
Bronchiectasis flare with sputum growth of pseudomonas

Hello, I suffer with bronchiectasis and joined The British Lung Forum nearly two years ago. I notice you haven't had a reply to your query as yet so would like to take the liberty of suggesting you join this particular Group too. Its an excellent Forum with very knowledgeable people who suffer with bronchiectasis too and will probably answer your question. Joining that Forum was one of the best things I could have done. Best wishes.
Cipro is the only oral antibiotic that works on pseudomonas. Some people can’t tolerate it. Eventually it stopped working for me and I have to nebulise colomycin. I had had several courses of iv antibiotics to see if that would kill it off. In my case it didn’t but I am immune compromised. My Bronchiectasis consultant insists on a two week course of iv antibiotics before going on nebulised antibiotics to give them a better chance of working. You will need to discuss this with your consultant though as generally GPs are out of their depth on this. Pseudomonas is one of those bugs that hides away in the corners waiting for a chance to pounce so it needs to be kept on top off. Good luck.
Are you clearing your lungs/Airways? This is number 1 on the list of yreatment, rather than, or as wellas, pharmaceutical treatments. I have Bronchiectasis and MAC, a similar sort of thing. There are some excellent Facebook groups for this... Worth looking up Kelly Kats Lung Matters 👍👍👍🙂
I thank you all for sharing you insight, knowledge and and treatments. I will have to work on clearing airway as there seems very little mucous now. How do I access Kelly Kats? Also, have any of you heard of Serrapeptase? My son takes herbs for his RA and found this which supposedly decreases mucous and inflammation in in COPD patients. It is used in Japan and there is a study on its clinical effects under pubmed.gov. Its an enzyme derived from the silk worm. I do see a pulmonologist but I get most my information and current care from my research on sites like yours. I asked about inhaled antibiotics and he did not seem interested. It was my primary who actually put me on cipro and discontinued the biaxin once cultures came back. Again, thanks everyone.
Have a look at this group, there is excellent information here facebook.com/groups/7862321...
Yes, I've tried Serrapeptase. I stopped after about 6 months though... After it seemed to work at first, I then decided it didn't. My key things are rigorous lung clearance, regular exercise and boiling all my drinking water for 10 minutes. Diet definitely helps, but its not been a game changer for me.
Airway clearance wise, look up Active Cycle Of Breathing Technique, bit if you can buy yourself an Aerobika and try using that. I had to order one on ebay from the states for about £60-70 but after I proved it worked I can now get them on prescription. Good luck.