Is anyone using Prednisone to slow down bad exaserbations?
Prednisone for Bronchiectasis - Bronchiectasis Su...
Prednisone for Bronchiectasis

Yes, I have to use it every 3-4 months. Normally a weeks course of 40 pills. My GP does not have a problem with this. Prednisolone also helps with my sense of taste/smell problems, and eustachian tube disfunction that I also get with bronchiectasis. Taking short courses 3-4 times a year shouldn't cause any problems.Make sure you take pills early in the morning, or you will have sleep problems
They will also give you a nice burst of energy, which is a positive side effect. Unfortunately you will want to urinate more at night.
Hope this helps
Good luck x
Does seem to lesson the amount of exaserbations you get with Pseudomonas ? I heard it lessons mucas and so less bacteria is trapped in your lungs hence less infections> My Pulmnary dr. said she would not give it to me. I see a diff dr today and will run it by him.. How often do u get Pseudomonas infections? How long have you had Bronchietasis? Are u gaining wieght from the prednisone?