Can you someone please tell me more about bronchiectasis as someone told me it can be bad for you as the years go by and I keep getting chest infections does it damage my lungs more thank you
Hi I would like to know is bronchiect... - Bronchiectasis Su...
Hi I would like to know is bronchiectasis bad for you
Google Active Cycle Breathing Technique. This will help you keep your lungs clear. And see your GP. It's a common condition but incurable, unfortunately. It's a pain in the arse but if you look after yourself it's bearable.Good luck!
Greetings again BB12
You may find BLF pages on Bronchiectasis helpful - link below:
Keep on top of lung infections, ask your GP surgery for sterile sputum sample pots and let your doctor know that you are providing a sputum sample for testing, (he will need to provide a form to go with the sample when its sent to the hospital for testing. Results can help determine the correct antibiotic for whatever is breading in your lungs.
I hope you can manage to stabilise things soon.
best wishes