Dear Wise Ones, my consultant is seeing me tomorrow as following my last phone appointment if I had difficulties again with breathing etc he wanted to see me, any additional info I can take with me would be brilliant. I have bronchiectasis and asthma
From October I've been on Incruse Elipter as well as high dose Relvar. This worked really well opening up my lungs, able to exercise without the reliever inhaler.
In January I took part in Everest challenge and walked my 80 miles over the month. At the beginning of Feb had what I would describe as asthma attack and started two weeks of prednisone. Last Saturday, last day of pred another breathing episode, this happened last week as well. Breathing problems for the last 4 weeks.
Yesterday spoke to my asthma nurse, she sent me to A and E as shouldn't be having more attacks whilst on the pred. Plus oxygen levels were lower than normal. Hospital confirmed no infection but felt it was more a deteriation in my lung problems rather than a specific asthma problem as it was going on for such a long time.
At worst my chest is so tight and it just feels so difficult to breath. As always my peak flow doesn't change.
I need to get the best from this appointment, I don't think my consultant knows what to do with me.
Thank you Jo xxx