I was investigated for abnormal LFT's back in 2003. Gamma GT circa 200 and slightly high ALT. Also found low levels and abnormal phenotype for Alpha 1 Antitrypsin (PiMZ). Ultrasound showed slight fatty liver. Diagnosis was NAFLD or less likely NASH. I'm in early 40's in good shape, low body fat, with low alcohol consumption, good diet and regular exercise. LFT'S have stayed at the same level now for almost 10 years and i remain asymptomatic. Decided not to have liver biopsy. Does anyone have a similar combination of issues or any experience to contribute? Also has anyone had magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) done in the US (Mayo clinic or elsewhere), and does anyone know if it is available yet in the uk? Many thanks...
Elevated LFT's and low Anti Trypsin - British Liver Trust
Elevated LFT's and low Anti Trypsin
I had GGT of 301 in 2007, slightly raised alt/alp, none drinker, 26 bmi, small exercise, no blood pressure/diabetes/weight etc issues. Eventually insisted on biopsy as got told there was nothing wrong with me. No real symptoms, just tired occasionally but everyone gets that. Biospy gave result of NASH, horrified! Been working on it ever since Mar 2009, when I got eventual diagnosis. Had 2 MRI scans before biopsy which showed nothing. I'd personally get a biopsy, then you know what your really have, if you can face it. Good Luck!
Hey, thanks for the response, really appreciate it. Sorry to hear that the diagnosis was NASH. Is there effective treatment for NASH that you are now on?
No, not really. I exercise everyday, I've cycled nearly 4000 miles so far this year. I eat low fat food, not even margarine in bread. BMI of 23.5, but still GGT currently at 152, gone up for no known reason, but bilirubin normal for the first time in a couple of years, so I just have to KeepGoing! Oh and I have been advised by a Specialist to take Vitamin E, which I do.