I was diagnosed with cirrhosis in 2007. I’ve done everything I could to improve my chances and I’m still here and going strong. I’ve been on Ozempic for two years and my recent fibrosis score had improved. When I questioned my Dr if there could be a connection he told me that it could be for they are finding it is effective treating more and more “off label” illnesses. Anyone else find this?
Ozempic does it help?: I was diagnosed... - British Liver Trust
Ozempic does it help?

hi I have PBC 27 years type 2 diabetic taken Ozempicfor 3 years now 1 mg every Friday I feel great lost weight blood sugars are at good level and apart from all over daily bone pain I feel great fatigue is always a problem it I pace myself and rest often a good lay down always helps x
When I was on Ozempic my fibroscan score went down from 12.6 to 6.0. I'm on Mounjaro now but haven't had a scan yet.
Yes for me it has definitely helped also. I had a spontaneous clearance of Hep C some years ago, however this left me with NASH that progressed to cirrhosis.
After Ozempic and then Wegovy my fibroscan went down from 19.5 to 12.6 kpa and my CAP score had improved greatly also, and this was some months back so I'm hopeful this will have improved more by the time of my next appointment.
Fatigue is an issue on these meds, but the results are worth it.
I’ve not heard of either of these, but very interested as to how they have helped with your cirrhosis. I was diagnosed with cryptogenic cirrhosis 2 years ago, but haven’t been offered any medication. Should I ask my GP or consultant?
These are weight loss medications and I assume the posters who have been prescribed them have NAFLD/MASLD and may not perhaps be appropriate in your own case.
There is no treatment for cirrhosis - Doctors can treat known causes to prevent worsening but as they haven't identified what has caused your cirrhosis they can't necessarily provide meds for it.
My hubby never got treatment for his cirrhosis - only for the side effect symptoms he had from it.