My partner is current on the liver transplant at Kings college hospital. She is losing teeth, 4 so far, we have been told that this is a common occurrence with cirrhosis and the medication is also contributing factor. Her current dentist is very reluctant to do any meaningful treatment due to the medication and possible blood loss, has anyone else had this issue and have any advice? She is a private patient and we have tried to move to another dentist but most are reluctant to treat. We are in Surrey if anyone can recommend a good understanding dentist.
losing teeth & struggling to find a de... - British Liver Trust
losing teeth & struggling to find a dentist

I would say a cautious dentist is the best dentist.Contact your liver team and they should be able to refer to hospital dental treatment.
Hi, my dentist was very reluctant to do anything other than check ups whilst I was on the transplant list due to very low platelet count and the serious rusk of bleeding. If you use Facebook please feel free to join our friendly and knowledgeable group called liver transplant support uk, thousands of people that have been in your situation.
Hilary xxx
Hi Bobobunny my dentist is the best I have ever had and with my history I’ve had a few , he would not do much other then check ups. I agree with Roy a dentist that understands the importance of your medication is a good dentist. I feel personally and I understand losing teeth is not the best thing that can happen but with cirrhosis there are many things that can happen , so try to keep as happy as you can it’s hard, I have been so lucky I have had my transplant with King’s College Hospital and I had 18 years living with cirrhosis I do understand. Good luck with the future our thoughts are with you and your partner.
The Wife and I 💕💕
Stay safe All
Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave
Before and after my transplant, when I have had to have tooth extractions-- fragile teeth due to liver issues, I have had to go to the oral surgery department of my local hospital, who dealt with the teeth quite easily. -- I suppose they like you to go there in case something goes wrong, they have all the experts readily available??
Hello firstly it is good that your partner is on the transplant list and from what I hear a very good hospital - My husband has now had his transplant but they were very careful at checking all other functions ears/teeth/heart/kidneys etc whilst he was waiting and I too agree with others who have assured you, however tough, that a good dentist is one who weighs up all the factors and understands, I would, however, agree also that it would be a good idea to talk to your Liver team at the Hospital about this they will be able to advise I am sure.
Honestly the very best of luck and I hope that the wait isn't too long before you will experience what has been for me/us an incredible transformation after transplant albeit still lots of checkups but so much less stressful than before.
All the very best to you both 🤗