Hi all.
My gf found this site for me & im grateful she did.
I’m at a bit of a loss. I’m frightened,overwhelmed with so much information (some conflicting).
My mum has decompensated liver disease. Autoimmune. She has Ascites which is drained about once a fortnight.
We have just completed assessments for a liver transplant but not yet on the waiting list. CT scan showed a lesion.
We need to repeat the test in two weeks as it will be two months since the last CT to confirm whether there are multiple lesions or the current one has grown in which case they’re saying they will not transplant.
I guess I’m looking for people in the same boat, any advice for hope.
In other countries do they also not transplant if there is a lesion found ?
Has anyone found a way to shrink the lesions?
Any ‘natural’ alternative medicine that has helped ?
Up until a year ago my mum was working, full of energy, full of life, zest. The most giving, generous hearted adored person you would ever meet. I cannot accept this being it for her..
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any feedback would be much appreciated .