Hi everyone,
New to this forum, in August I underwent some routine blood tests (actually for coeliac after a couple of extended diarrhoea episodes) all of which were normal except I had mildly elevated ALT (79) on my liver tests
I’ve had them retested recently and now its more than just the initial ALT that is raised. ALT (81), Albumin (51) Protein (83) and GGT (75) and my GP wants me to make an appointment as “routine” and a follow up TC which I presume is to check my Cholesterol levels
I’m a natural worrier and since the initial abnormal result i’ve been stressing about it and these latest results have sent my brain into overdrive, I’ve read up symptoms online and theres maybe a couple of things i’d say I suffer from but not in a life obstructing way, brutal honesty I am overweight, my diet isn't fantastic, i’m a social drinker than anything maybe having a moderate drink every 2/3 weeks when i’m out but never at home and I probably don't exercise as much as I should
I suppose my question is to anyone who’s been in the same boat what are the next steps when I see the GP and should I be getting so worked up about this until more tests have been done? I actually read somewhere that stress can effect liver enzymes if thats true i’m probably doing myself no good!