I'm stuck at the moment and really struggling for some sort of answers, it's a long post so please bare with me, in May I was admitted to hospital with a kidney stone and caused an infection, I had a basic ct scan done and I knew I had a small growth in my pelvic region in 2016, and this time round it's growing considerably, fast forward to recently and i was told I needed another ct scan done with a contrasting dye, yes this still wasn't enough to give the surgeon enough ideas what the growth is, so in-between time I also had to have the camera up the rear end 🫣 this was meant to help give the surgeon more ideas, however I was in absolute agony and this was stopped and had it done yesterday under sedation, so I was told they wouldn't do to much and even didn't remove the 3 polyps, as it would have distorted today's mri scan, so after lying down for over an hour, and having this scan done I was told I now need a liver scan, hopefully you're still following, this is now another scan, and still have to get the polyps removed at a later date, I was a chronic alcoholic and I don't know what to expect anymore I'm 12+ years sober and it just feels everything is going backwards, oh well maybe this is the last scan I need, and obviously I'm not looking forward to the removal of the polyps, but it's been a busy few weeks!
How many more scans???: I'm stuck at the... - British Liver Trust
How many more scans???

Some conditions are tricky to diagnose and of course they want to try and get it right. If this means getting enough scans and tests to do that, I'd take that as a very very good thing. It shows they are really keen to make sure you get the right treatment. You've clearly got a medical team that really cares about you.
You are annoyed and that is understandable, but please try to relax. If something REALLY bad was going on they probably would have seen it already. Just go through it all, be happy you have thorough doctors and it sounds like this will be your last issue for a while (of course I am not a doctor so don't consider this any kind of well thought out advice). The fact that you have not drunk for so long is simply excellent news. Good luck! You'll get through this, keep smiling1
High Cb1963.Re your anxiety of your colonoscopy and the polyps.
If it helps you at all I'll share my experiences:
I have had colonoscopy's on 4 occasions during the past. On 3 if those occasions I had multiple polyps removed.
If you opt for all the sedation ( which I did) although uncomfortable at times, I certainly wouldn't say it was painful. Infact I didn't actually feel the polyp extractions them selves. The most discomfort was as the colonoscopy tube traversed around some of the bends in the colon.
The only draw back with having the maximum sedation in my case was that someone had to drive me home after the procedure.
For me the subsequent polyp biopsies have all come back "negative" for nasties, so far.
Due to family history I am now being checked regularly from now on.
I hope this reassures you a little?
Yes it was a but frustrating knowing that there were polyps going to get removed on Monday, but because I was due another scan on Tuesday they didn't remove them, I had already had the camera job done a couple of weeks ago and now I find I've got to go back again 3rd time to get them removed as the surgeon who was doing the procedure on Monday said he didn't want to disturb my bowel, if the scan was done first and then I could have had this procedure done, it's just a bit backwards, thanks for your reply 😀
Oh my Cb1963.....you really are going through the mill, but huge congratulations for being 12 years sober, that's to be commended. Well done.
Thanks, I hope your blood pressure has settled now? It's a fine balancing act keeping fit without having any underlying health problems that require medical intervention, yes I know all about your sweet tooth 😉 I'm in that department myself 🤣and I'm partial to a fresh cream cake or two, especially the cream doughnuts at tesco with one of your 5 a day , yes a bit of raspberry sauce 🤣 I know my blood pressure is ok, but maybe my cholesterol is rather high, I think that one can wait whilst getting all these investigations done, have a pleasant evening my friend and take care, Chris!!!
Hi, waiting for answers and having scans is horrible. The uncertainty drives you nuts. On the plus side, the liver scan should be fine, it’s often an ultrasound like pregnant women have. Hopefully that will be all clear.
I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago and had 2 polyps removed. I was dreading it 😖. I had sedation and hoped I’d be asleep because I’m very squeamish, but I stayed wide awake and watched the whole thing on the screen ! It was fine. No pain and they just loop the polyps and suck them off. Didn’t feel a thing. Honestly the worst bit was the medicine to clean you out. Oh, and the wait go find out what the polyps were. Hopefully nothing nasty.
I hope you get the scan appointments quickly and get some answers. In the meantime find some distractions to get you through the wait.
BTW I’ve heard a rumour that the yucky medicine also comes in tablet form. Wish I’d known thst 2 weeks ago - I definitely would have asked!
Thinking of you
Cheers, I should have had the procedure done on Monday when I had already taken the prep medication, however I didn't get them removed as the surgeon didn't want to disturb my bowel as I was booked in the following day for a mri scan, so that's twice they've now been up " there " 😬🙄 and now need to go back to get them removed at a later date, just seemed a waste of time, and now waiting on another appointment, oh well bottoms up as they say 🤣
I'm sorry you're having to have this endless round of medical stuff. I have spent the better part of this year having some sort of medical intervention or other. Of course they are doing their best for you, but I totally understand the frustration. Every medical procedure has some level of stress attached to it, even if you have undergone it before. Hang in there.
Awe thanks for your kind reply, I'll be trying my best to stay healthy,take care, Chris x
CB. So it looks like you have to get yet another scan. Sorry to hear that you need to go through another procedure. I'm so proud of you 12 years is quite a feat CB! Good for you! God Bless You! Keep us posted. I'm gonna be thinking of ya and praying for you! Hang in there.