Spouse has confirmed Cirrhosis via biopsy, physician says stage 4. Also hepatic encephalopathy, no varices, mild ascites. Stage 4 fiber study, 67% stiffness of liver. He continues to drink 10 to 12 beers a day and 3 to 4 shots of whiskey. He refuses to quit drinking, also refuses to take the medication that will bring down ammonia levels in his brain, Ironically because it makes him sick. So..last 7 days he has probably eaten what I eat in one meal. Still drinking “all of it”, but has vomiting and diarrhea. Sleeps a bout 4 hrs during the day. Is the nausea, vomiting (not bloody) diarrhea seem typical of a liver in this state? He doesn’t see his liver specialist until July. Not sure whether to go with the flow since he still manages to get down his alcohol, or ask that he been seen sooner. Not sure any of it will matter. Thanks for any insights.
Cirrhosis with vomiting and diarrhea - British Liver Trust
Cirrhosis with vomiting and diarrhea

Whilst he’s still drinking alcohol, all the symptoms you describe will remain and others will emerge, as his liver slowly loses more and more function. The only way for him to survive now is to quit. I have cirrhosis, which was decompensated when I was first diagnosed and my liver had been tipped into this state by a deep rooted infection. I stopped drinking about 2 and a half years ago now and I’ve recovered to a point where I’m now compensated and living a normal life. I get a bit tired if I overdo things but that’s about it. I take no meds and my bloods are normal. He has to do the same to start to recover. Not taking his meds for HE will only make things worse…but to be honest, if he continues to drink they are not much use anyway. They’ll alleviate the symptoms for a while, but as the liver declines, they’ll have less and less benefit. I don’t envy you…you are in an impossible position. You need to take good care of yourself, it can’t be just be about him. Only he can decide enough is enough, sadly. Hopefully, he’ll realise this.
Thanks for your response, it is very helpful. And, congratulations on your sobriety! It is a difficult place for me to be in yes, I walk between caring for him while still making him responsible for his own choices. I attend al anon which had been very helpful. Best wishes for you
Hi Marie
First off can i pass on my heartfelt sympathy to you. I know this won't help you much, but for you having to stand by and watch him kill himself, words of support to you is about all we can give you 😕
Of course it is bad for "liver patients" but it is an impossible position for liver patient partners, who can only watch, wait, advise, shout, threaten, walk on egg shells, love, hate, nudge, sway and hope. The sad fact is, only a liver patient can make the actual steps to start to save themselves. Throw in alcohol and HE and then their decision making seems to make even less sense.
Moving the specialist is always a good thing, also does your hospital offer you any help in how best to handle your partner? My liver team were excellent with my partner and helped her deal as a support care person in facing a tough battle as the healthy liver person in our relationship.
Please stay as strong as possible and please seek any help that is available for you as an individual, that will help you get through this horrible time. Please PM me if you need a chat/ear to listen etc
Thank you for your response. Yes, it is clearly his choice. I don’t really have a “team” that treats him. It is primarily his liver specialist and primary care physician (we are in the US). I do attend al anon which has been so helpful in allowing me to let go of trying to control any of it. I pretty much live my life separate from his by my choice. What a horrible disease!
Yes, I’m the early days of decompensated cirrhosis I had those symptoms apart from HE. I had stopped drinking but it took a good few months for the food to stay down again and bleeding to stop etc..
I relayed any new symptoms to the consultant through her liver nurse.
Alcohol needs to stop immediately. Get the help it’s out there, meetings, groups, treatment centres etc…
Yes. Contact the consultant, GP immediately and get seen.
Look after yourself and good luck.
Thank you for your response. I suspected this was a common symptom to a deteriorating liver. It just seems crazy to expect anything different. He will not stop drinking, that is his choice. Of course when he is seen, he is told he needs to stop. He was told he will be dead in two years and will likely suffer a painful death. Nothing stops him. So from my standpoint there is not much one can do. I do attend al anon for myself and have excellent friends and family support. Take care.
Sorry to hear about your situation.However I would ask him why he continues to drink when he is affecting so many people who want to see him better.
He must know the only way to beat this is to stop drinking. That must be his decision.
The consultant will advise scans,bloods and endoscopies etc. I am afraid they may show abnormalities.
You're the star in
all this. I hope things turn out for the best.
Thank you for your response. Yes, he has had an entire work up of everything. Endoscopy, lab work, cardiac cat scan, heart studies, liver biopsy. He is a 65 year old very unhealthy man. He has been told his status 6 months ago. Yet, here we are. He had a counselor he fired because he didn’t need counseling in his opinion. It appears his choice has been made. Last night he fell (from drunkenness) second bad fall in a week. He caved in the wall when he fell. I attend al anon and try to live my life as separate from his as I can without completely abandoning him as someone I use to respect and care about. It’s tough for sure. Take good care
Marie, I really feel for you. It appears he is willing to accept he has only 6 months and doesn't want any help. I sincerely hope he is showing his appreciation for your support.Have you contacted the BLT Liver nurses ( tel no on web site).
Both myself anf partner have contacted them. They are fully of excellent advice and are great listeners. I always feel better after the call.
Take care

Dear Marie2272
Your husband's own health care professional is best placed to answer, as only they have access to his medical records. We suggest, if able to, talking this through with a health care professional in the first instance.
Also, here are the links to information about cirrhosis on our website, which you may find useful:
britishlivertrust.org.uk/in... (including a suite of publications towards the bottom that are downloadable or can be posted)
If you [are in the UK and] would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust