my ‘urgent blood’ tests have come back and I am stressed to pieces as following my ultrasound I was told I had a fatty liver. My LFTs were all normal apart from my ALT which was 45 and needed to be less than 33, and Serum Bilirubin which was 27 and should be less than 21. Both readings end of March were 17 and I have eaten rubbish since then. I have a GP appointment next week and her comments on the tests were ‘satisfactory’ Can anyone shed any light on this so that I can sleep before next week, I would be very grateful thank you.
High ALT and Bilirubin and worried - British Liver Trust
High ALT and Bilirubin and worried

1. If you have fatty liver that is good news, or at least good news when you consider you could have something worse like Liver Cancer, Cirrhosis, etc.
2. Fatty liver can be reversed in a few months by not drinking and eating healthy. Just google it (Fatty Liver, how to treat) or search this website.
3. Most doctors don't get worried until that ALT gets to be three times the upper limit of normal (so in your case, well over 100).
You should not lose sleep about this at all. Just live bright and tight for a few months, no bad foods, absolutely no alcohol for any reason (not even on Christmas, not even on your birthday) and you should be okay. In fact the worst thing you can do is lose sleep, your body needs to rest to heal.
Please note that I am NOT a doctor or medical professional, I am just sharing what I have read. ALWAYS listen to a medical professional instead of "some poster on the internet" regarding these things. I am just sharing what I have read so you can get some sleep - you need it!
Eat healthy, exercise and don't drink alcohol. Sleep is when you heal. ALT up to 45 is considered ok (so we were told) and over 45 shows that the liver is inflamed and needs investigating but it can be caused by many things including life style. The NHS website says 40 as an upper limit. Looking after yourself will bring it down. Hubbies Bilirubin was well into the 100s and many others on here even higher his was 19 in his last blood test. Again lifestyle changes will help bring it down. It takes time but it will improve. Try to avoid the 'rubbish' food that you say you're eating and eat cleaner it will make a difference. Exercise when you can. Your bloods are a little up but not so much that you can't reverse it if you remove the cause.
Avoid dr google... it doesn't help with stress, use the NHS and liver trust websites.
Hi, please look at the British liver Trust website for advice and information about fatty liver disease, they have diet and exercise advice, they also have a helpline you can phone to talk to a specialist liver nurse.Your blood tests aren't that bad, fatty liver is reversible with a change of diet. Forget about the past