First post-op day.: Thank you all for... - British Liver Trust

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First post-op day.

AyrshireK profile image
8 Replies

Thank you all for your words of support and lovely messages on the transplant news thread ..... It means a lot. ❤

So, hubby got out of theatre at 6am (24.6.24l and the surgeon phoned to tell me all had gone well and they are delighted with how it's all working. I knew he was off to ITU but didn't know what the visiting restrictions were or whatever. I phoned the coordinators and they gave me the phone number for the ITU so rang them and they gave me the go ahead to visit.

I spent a fair bit of yesterday afternoon at his bedside. All appears to be going great with the new liver. I was there during the surgical rounds after 3pm when a team of 10+ specialists all descended to check all the data readings and flow settings on machines etc. He also had a doppler ultrasound and everything is flowing correctly.

He was awake (which was a surprise because during assessment and pre-op chat they said that they keep you under for a while in case they need to 'go back in'). He was able to communicate with head nods, shakes and hand squeezing. Still not fully with it and sadly not yet breathing on his own so that's a little worry and it's obviously not nice for him to still have the breathing tube in whilst concious. He will breathe when they tell him to but not yet doing it spontaneously so he is still ventilated and every so often they work to try and get him off it. They have explained that this is pretty common in folks who had encephalopathy pre transplant and were reassuring me that it just takes time but that he will get there. As I type it is only just over 24 hours since he came out of theatre so no wonder that breathing is an effort and easier to let the machine do it. At 9pm last night he was stll the same and the nurse felt he probably needed a snooze and a rest before trying again.

The whole team were very upbeat that all is working as it should. Co-ordinator on rounds checked that I was ok and I am. Very much running on adrenaline but I have been eating and drinking ok (is a full tin of peaches and cream ok? It was good regardless and I have had other stuff). I went to Lidl and stocked up on easy to prepare meals/snacks. Chatted with family and friends on the phone and neighbour's on the camp site and did chores round the c'van. Read all your lovely comments. I have had some sleep tonight and Puss Puss is cuddling up close.

I am not pestering ITU for updates as it means pulling the nurse away from his side and they are busy enough caring for my wee man. I'll go in again later today and fingers crossed there will be more progress on his breathing. Until then i'll have a rest, a nice shower and just keep myself occupied the best I can. It's weird not having my alarm going off for midnight blood sugar checks, supplement times or hubby pressing his buzzer for all manner of care needs - he's in good hands and I can try and chill for a bit whilst not doing the nursing/caring myself - hopefully when I have him back we can begin working towards a bit of independence again.

Thanks again everyone. What a community we have all built here on the BLT and it's great to be a part of. Hubby is happy for me to share our journey and I think we must have made an impression on folks cos the co-ordinator on rounds yesterday said there had been a great deal of delight in the office as folks came into work yesterday and found out he'd been 'done'.

Baby steps towards recovery, some major milestones already ticked off.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Katie xxx

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AyrshireK profile image
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8 Replies
Petrina_gmfc profile image

That is great news

ThreeSmiles profile image

Sounds great Katie! Get some proper food down you now 😀👍

Millie09 profile image

Hello Katie, Well after reading your indepth post I'm absolutely thrilled that things are going great with the new liver , in sure hubby will be off the ventilator as soon as his body is ready to breath on its own

Big operation as we both know, not that I've gone through it myself .

The main thing is the liver team are happy with all the data readings etc

Tin of peaches 🍑 and cream 😋 lol , girl after my own heart, makes no difference whatsoever you eat at the moment Katie as long as its something, you will be full of adrenaline for a while yet but once things start to settle you will be fine.

Fantastic hubby was able to communicate with you yesterday evening 🙂.

Thank you so much for taking up your precious time to update us all .

Totally agree we have built a wondeful supporting group on here

You take care .. love and hugs 🫂 to you both

Linda x x

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Millie09

Glad you approve of my food choice LOL. I know I need to shed a few pounds and get rid of my own no doubt fatty liver but I think just now its a case of fancy it so eat it and I really enjoyed those peaches. Can't wait till he's more independent and I can get back tiding my proper bike outdoors.

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to AyrshireK

You'll both get there Katie.. I'm so proud of you for everything that both you and hubby have been through on this journey Much love

Linda x x

Tia2021 profile image

That's really good news, sending love and strength to you xxx

55spenc profile image

Hi Kay

You are a true inspiration to us all. Your dedication and devoution is/has been unwavering. I have followed both your journies with hope in my heart for the outcome you painfully/patiently waited so long for. I wish you and the wee man the very brightest future and wish you both the upmost happiness for the future.

Treeclimber62 profile image

Just read this great news for you both I was transplated in 2017 at the qe in Birmingham but I live in Wales it's great to hear someone else being we are all different and our journeys are never the same .take you time don't rush it's a lot to take in but it does become a distant memory time a great healer .Good luck for the future

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