Hi All, I'm generally very healthy (lots of exercise) although since I was approx 23 (I'm now 57) my GGT levels have been elevated to between 58-88. This concerned me a little (didn't really concern my Doc) although my ALT's & AST's have always been within normal range. I do drink quite a bit...but always have at least 2-3 days off every week. Last year after a couple of big weekends my GGT's skyrocketed to 157...had 2 weeks no alcohol and went back to 100 (alt's ast's normal). Just got bloods back from a test (had 19 days totally off alcohol) and GGT's back to 87...although ALT at 43 and AST at 40. Should I be concerned !!? I AM ! Doc said it could be from a viral infection ...I'd love to hear from anyone who has had anything similar or can put my mind at rest
Liver Results - Noone can tell me what... - British Liver Trust
Liver Results - Noone can tell me whats normal

GGT is an incredibly sensitive test. I have cirrhosis and have my bloods done every six months. Mine are all normal but my GGT is the one which is most sensitive to any lifestyle changes I make and is slightly elevated at times. I don’t drink alcohol anymore but at Christmas have a much richer diet for a few days….my GGT is always higher in Jan than it is July. My doctor doesn’t get concerned by the minor increase….doesn't sound like yours does either….the important thing for me is to keep my diet good and be alcohol free to maintain my liver health. Maybe you need to look at your lifestyle and consider whether it’s doing your body any good. You sound like you are ok being alcohol free so why don’t you steadily increase the alcohol free days and with it reduce the units you consume. It’ll do wonders for your liver.
My GGT was over 1800 at one point and my LFTs were in their hundreds too, all down to poor diet and alcoholism, all normal now, so it can be reversed. I wouldn’t say yours are massively high, but it’s always good to be health conscious and to keep on top of such things and if elevated, look to the cause or likely cause and try to get them back to normal levels. Good luck.
From one of the premier Liver Clinics in the world.
Please note that variances exist between various facilities because they use different chemicals, test tubes, etc etc. But this will give you a general idea.
You sound more or less fine (but I am NOT any kind of doctor, so feel free to ignore me).
For GGT to return to completely normal it takes a month and a half (give or take)
You should relax. Your GGT is coming down and you AST and ALT is already good, so give it another month and you should be fine. (Reminder that I am not a doctor).
It took 9 months for my GGT to return to normal levels such was the abuse I’d handed out to my liver, it fluctuated a lot during that time based on early medication I was on (Spiro & Furo for ascites - stopped after 1 month) and of course my much healthier diet. Other LFT functions took less longer to go way down, but even they fluctuated, but now they are all normal apart from ALP which is slightly elevated and I’m wondering if that’s bone related more than liver related as that protein can be found in the bones. I suffer with muscle aches, cramps, sore joints and alcohol neuropathy.
From my own understanding GGT and other liver enzymes do fluctuate up and down based on all kinds of factors that don’t always mean your liver is damaged. Things like stress, lack of exercise, medication, food intolerances, your diet and even the air we breathe can have an effect. This also applies to one’s own overall general health and well being too.
Like when you exercise your heart rate will go up, when stressed your blood pressure, when hungry your bowls may move irregular etc.
It is good to always be on top of your health, however, I’ve learned no matter how small or big an issue may or may not be or not even exist at all, it’s always best to get checked out and if anything is occurring that’s not right, normal or needs examined further, you’re giving yourself a head start if you like to manage, reverse, fix or stave off any further issues developing from whatever is going on.
Alas, as we get older, regardless of how fit we may appear or seem or how well we look after ourselves in terms of our own health, it’s not just our bodies aging, it’s our brains, our organs, our vitals, everything. Mother Nature I guess…
Have them do a blood draw for a MELD test. That is actual liver function. A scale of like 7-40 with 7 being the best.