Hello people , I was having strange symtoms so had a Liver Test and had a shocking GGT high result ! Anyone else ??
LIVER TEST panel results GGT ALT ALP B... - British Liver Trust

I’m currently in hospital trying to figure out what caused it . How high was yours? What the doctor said?
hi yes I’m just going through the same. High GGT and low globulin. Been for ultrasound and all ok on that. I have not been a big drinker and haven’t had any alcohol since last September and feel ok. I go back to GP next week to discuss next step
Any symptoms? What kind of ggt roughly ? globulin Is that on a blood count test do you know ?
No symptoms to speak of. Globulin is on panel of liver function blood test. My GGT was 126 originally but down to 66 after 3 months of good diet and exercise. Originally the gp suspected fatty liver but I am not overweight and eat well. Ultrasound ruled fatty liver out so I’m still having tests
mines fluctuated between 300 to400 for years GGT, rightly or wrongly I don’t worry about it. All the best.
How was your other liver enzymes?
Yes, mine was 569. I was told it is just a marker and not to be alarmed…..
all my liver enzymes are more than 7 times higher than target and they can’t find the reason for it?? Worst thing is that they raising daily . I’m currently in hospital so they do daily blood checks . I’m so worried.
My Last GGT was over 1000 , my other LFT s are all in normal range , I am waiting on new results after a month off drinking . Am really worried , strange symptoms. Really tired , nauseous, joint middle aches .

Dear Pulsar25
If you [are in the UK and] would find it useful to talk things over, our nurse-led helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330 (excluding bank holidays)
Best wishes
British Liver Trust