I’m wondering if having a colonoscopy and endoscopy would put a lot of stress on an already compromised liver. Would the anesthesia drug they use harm the liver? Anyone have experience with this?
Stress on liver?: I’m wondering if... - British Liver Trust
Stress on liver?

My husband has had 22 endoscopies, 1 colonoscopy, an ERCP under general anaesthetic and various other procedures including anaesthesia/sedation since he was diagnosed with cirrhosis in 2012. At one point he was having endoscopy and banding every 6 to 8 weeks so no the sedation should have no affect on the liver. He's going for his next endoscopy on 5th September and will take sedation as normal.
Thanks Katie. I’m also wondering about the colon prep and whether it will throw off electrolytes etc. I’m so worried about doing anything that might push me over to decompensated.
Hubby had to have that prior to his colonoscopy so it's a tried and tested situation. You need the tests and they are routine and regularly done and no doubt they don't cause any long term issues.
Thanks again. I’ve been feeling really tired and “off” lately and starting to wonder if things are getting worse. Had bloodwork last week and it’s all good so don’t know what the problem is. I just sent message to my doctor and will see what he says but it’s always good to hear from people who have been through this.
I had an endoscopy in October with versed and Fentanyl
It took 10 minutes and was fine.
I also had a colonoscopy at an earlier date with same two drugs and it was fine.
I had 2 within 2 weeks, no it’s doesn’t. please go and have it done, I was found to have early stage colon cancer, having colon surgery in 2 weeks. I have to have another colonoscopy this week. Luckily my liver consultant and colo-rectal surgeon are in the same hospital.I had no symptoms, my heptologist made me go for it, I have IBS and AIH so didn’t connect anything. Go and do the colonoscopy you could be saving your life. I was told I would have been dead if it hadn’t been found within a year or 2.
I had both. No sedation for colonoscopy. Sedation for endoscopy but it didn’t work so make sure they give it on time if you can have it.
Hope they go okay for you. Lots of people on here say it’s all fine.
No sedation for those procedures sounds barbaric. That's not even an option in the US.