So following on from my previous posts, I've been told the images on the MRI have shown HCC. It's currently a single, small but treatable area. I already have a shunt (my 2nd one) and I'm already in a transplant clinic for monitoring but not on the list or had assessment.
My consultant has said when the full report cones through he'll talk to me about treatment (that should be this week) and he mentioned before the results that we could be looking at transplant again.
I have budd chiari and get mild ascities, but not always! I don't have full cirrhosis but my vessels to my liver are damaged caused by the budd chiari.
I've had diagnosed budd chiari for 16 years now, a tips for almost 1 year and everything was going fine until my bloods showed an elevated AFP score during routine 3 monthly bloods.
Feel so sad. 😔