Went for US scan on Monday. I asked the radiographer was it the same as the previous one 6 months ago. I was told that a very tiny dark spot had been picked up and that the result would go to the Liver team. Yesterday I had a call from my hospital telling me to attend fir a CT scan due to the result of the US scan. As you can imagine my head is all over the place. Has anyone had this experience before? My blood results showed liver and kidneys functioning normally but my marker test had not been received as it takes a little longer. I spoke with the liver team and was told that it was the radiographer had referred me as they hadn't teceived the result as yet. So I'm thinking has the radiographer seen something sinister or was she just erring on the side if caution? Advice would be so very appreciated.
Concerned: Went for US scan on Monday. I... - British Liver Trust

Just erring on the side of caution. There's a few things that can cause what look like lesions on the liver on ultrasound. Of course there's the obvious tumers and cancers, but in reality most turn out to be a bit more benign, like cysts etc.
Whilst ultrasound can pick up abnormalities, it's not always very good at trying to differentiate what they actually are. Referral for a further scan, either CT or MRI is the standard practice next step. So to answer your question it diesnt necessarilly mean that anything sinister is present.
Sadly this is really a waiting game for you. Although a radiographer is highly trained in producing images they are not trained in the imagery interpretation that is produced. This is best left up to the consultant. A radiographer can point out to the consultant anything that looks abnormal but isn’t qualified to say what it is or might be. Only a liver specialist can really do this.
At the moment, most liver consultants are still very much under pressure trying to cope with a backlog of cases. Try not to get worried you're in good hands, and your consultant will get back to you soon, I’m sure.
Best Wishes
Thank you Richard. I've got a better hold of myself today and I appreciate all comments. You have helped me x.
I went for ultrasound but was to much gas in my abdomen for to get a clear picture so I'm going for a ct scan next week he actually showed me on the monitor all the gas and says he cant comment on something he can't see that's a couple of times it has happened to me once there was a swollen blood vessel on my liver about 1cm and the next scan it hadn't changed told me theres nothing to worry about goodluck
My hubby has twice had to go for a follow up MRI after his 6 monthly ultrasound picked up some additional 'lesions'. Following the MRI on both occasions the lumps were just some extra dense bits of cirrhotic tissue that ultrasound wasn't quite able to see clearly. He also has numerous benign liver cysts plus haemangioma which have been picked up on scans.
In most cases the additional lumps and bumps are nothing to worry about. But, thw reason you have this six monthly screening is to pick up any changes timeously and to allow early and successful intervention if needed.
Best wishes, Katie
Thank you Kate. I was just knocked off my feet a bit. I lost my beloved husband to lung cancer although he didn't smoke almost 10 years ago and prior to that, my Dad had stomach cancer and passed away 18 years ago. So the mere thought of something sinister knocked me off kilter a bit. But thanks to you and the others who replied to me I am a bit more logical about things now. So thanks again xx.