So everyone thank you as always for this supportive group.
Little update husband had TIPPS procedure March 22 due to blood clot in portal vein, varices and cirrhosis.
Fast forward varices have gone 🤞and now a switch of medication they've added rifaximin to lactulose and thiamine (and fragmin for clot and insulin for diabetes) but they've stopped the spironolactone which he can only have 3 days on then 4-5 days off until he sees his consultant and doctor in a week. They stopped it when he was admitted to critical care dehydrated and with suspected sepsis.
Thing is he had shed his ascites but now they're back on his stomach its like hes got a small beach ball but he rang hospital today who have said if it becomes unmanageable he'll get them drained.
I'm being positive though if it isn't one thing it's another but he does have appointment with Anticoagulant consultant next Thursday and then gastro doctor on the Friday so he'll be checked over.
He certainly soldiers on bruising terrible bruising where he takes his daily injections but he exercises and tries to stay optimistic.
Its hard as he's struggling with PTSD also but 🤞 he'll get checked out next week they certainly seem to keep an eye on him when they can. Thank you NHS💙 and Thank you to everyone in this group 🙏