Hi everyone, 1st day of joining this group.. Just got to ask if anyone as been in the same position..I'm having a liver biopsy on Tuesday, only I received a copy of a letter (that was sent to my doctor) also yesterday, the letter states I have advanced NAFLD, and my blood count was 17.1Pa...I looked it up online and it appears to be saying blood counts that low could possible cause a bleed when having a biopsy..this has really worried me ( even further) and I now not sure what to do..Has anyone else on here had the same ?? and what did you do ??
Liver Biopsy : Hi everyone, 1st day of... - British Liver Trust
Liver Biopsy

Hi Lola
Welcome to the forum.
In my case, I was due to have a biopsy to determine auto immune hepatitis.
I got to the hospital bright and early expecting to be home for lunch but instead, found myself having several blood tests as each time they took a blood sample, the results showed my platelet count and therefore clotting time was too low to risk doing the biopsy.
I am in France, but I'm pretty sure your doctors won't go ahead with a biopsy if there is any risk at all that your platelet count is too low. But please mention your concerns to them as well. I never did get my biopsy but my AIH was confirmed by my rapid response to steroid treatment.
My husband had to have a platelet transfusion and a transjugular liver biopsy when his platelets were too low. I am sure they will re-run bloods and assess whether it is safe to go ahead or not.
Discuss your concerns with the Dr's when you go to the appointment.
Hi, I've had a few biopsys, pre transplant I had a very low platelet level and was also injecting blood thinners so they did a trans jugular biopsy which is when they go in through the neck, then had to have 12 hours bed rest so I could be monitored closely in case of a bleed. Don't worry the know what they are doing and won't take any risks.Hilary x
Thank you all for your comments..after all that worrying Liver Biopsy was painless, stayed in hospital for 6 hrs afterwards then went home to rest up for a few days ..just waiting for results...Having a MRI scan next week for the research team ..So onwards and upwards.
hi. do you mind me asking how long you had to wait for your redults
Hi, I was told 2 weeks...but I heard nothing, I rang my gp a couple of times. But they hadn't heard either, So I contacted who I am under at the hospital, they checked on computer and apologise that the letter was in my records but they had forgot to send them..So all in all it was 4 weeks but should have been 2 x