I’m interested in other peoples very early start to the process and what to expect. I have just been told my billuruben is 22 and a transplant is probable
early stage feelings: I’m interested in... - British Liver Trust
early stage feelings

22 isn't bad. Mine was way of the range and after 4 weeks only down to 28, I'm told that's under 35 so no jaundice. I did have jaundice n ascite.
Had no talk of liver transplant.
What are your symptoms and diagnosis?
Hello there ,its alot to take on-board isn't it....I've had all the usual symptoms, ascites, varices rupturing, jaundice, portal hypertension, portal hypertensive gastropathy, so bleeding from my stomach lining.im on a few medications to control/help with symptoms. Most important ive been abstinent for just over 4 years now. Things have slowly settled down, I've regained my muscle mass to some extent. I have bloods taken every 6 month, also an ultrasound the same,I've also had ct and mri scans . My liver is shrunken and hard from every scan I've had done,so cirrhosis im afraid for me. My bloods tend to fluctuate quite often,there never completely settled. Only time transplant was mentioned for myself was when I was first admitted with jaundice and ascites,so over 4 years ago. Really well done on the abstaining. Best wishes. Chris
Hi Chris. Can I ask what medication are you on please for your symptoms? Thanks
Hello love.I'm on carvedilol to control the portal hypertension, in turn helps with the varices. Lansoprazole to control the amount of acid my stomach produces, in turn helps with the portal hypertensive gastropathy. Thaiamine /vitamin b1,adcal. All prescribed by my gastro consultant.oh forgot,spironolactone, or furosemide can take either to keep fluid at bay Best wishes. Chris
Hi, you dont say what other symptoms or results youve had but my billirubn was 358 when i was admitted to hospital last May. I also had ascites and was very ill with only 50% chance of survival. I recall transplant was mentioned as a possibility in the future but since then I have abstained from alcohol, eaten healthily and exercised regularly. Translant was never mentioned again. My billirubin is now normal, no ascites and no medication. Really 22 is not very high, my consultant told me a normal level of billirubin is 18. Obviously Im not a medic and dont know your medical circumstances.
When my partners bilirubin dropped to 22 he was suspended from the transplant list because his bloods were deemed’too good’! . What is your actual diagnosis? It can be a lot to take in at the start but this is a great website for talking to people going through the same as you.
Bilirubin is pretty good, mine was 208 on diagnosis and I've only just gone on the transplant list and it's now 21 which is normal range.I guess as others have said it depends what your other bloods are doing and if you have ascites, varices etc.
The BLT nurses are great if you want to call them x
Freya is spot on. Any diagnosis can shake you up and it can take a while to come to terms with your new body.
Absolutely do not Google! There are good websites out there with reliable information once you know what your dealing with.
Treat yourself kindly and do things that you enjoy.
That's not too bad but the other symptoms you mention in your Bio hint that a transplant might be needed if other treatments don't work.Call the helpline for proper advice on what to ask your Dr.
You wrote the following
Diagnosis cirrhosis of liver, due to alcohol consumption. 4 burst varicies, stomach ulcer and ascities drains. Underlying health conditions (Addisons disease, type 1 diabetes) Abstinence nearly 9 months. Bilirubin score 23 March 23