I have NASH/cirrhosis. I previously lost weight (30 pounds) and all my labs normalized. I am 60 years old, little savings and now have been told I will be losing my job, being replaced by a computer. Under a lot of stress with being divorced, a son still living at home, a mortgage and everything that goes along with that, car payment, etc. Not financially able to retire, of course. I am a stress eater so I have gained all the weight back because what's the point. My son who lives with me is bipolar and puts a lot of stress on me. He's in denial with his illness. I say there is no hope because right now, I have the best insurance anyone could have which I will be losing, how can I even continue to go to the doctor now, I am going to lose everything. I don't have the motivation to keep going on so I eat, and eat, and eat, all the bad stuff, day and night. I have one friend who lives 5 hours away and she's in a controlling marriage. She won't even talk to me when her husband is home because he doesn't want her to have any friends or family in her life. I have no family that cares about me. They are all busy with their own lives. My doctor says I've probably had cirrhosis for about 10 years now unbeknownst to me. Just discovered it by elimination of other things causing my anemia, low platelets, and enlarged spleen. I don't have much of a life anyway, just work and eat, so why bother. Nothing has ever worked out for me my entire life. Struggled, struggled, struggled...so tired of it all...I have no fight left in me.
Feeling like there is no hope. - British Liver Trust
Feeling like there is no hope.

Bless you skay, we often have to gird up our loins and carry on when we think we can't, believe in yourself, get all the help you can and take one day at a time, sending best wishes and praying you will see a change soon.😉
Pray god never gives u what u can’t handle. Everyone in this world struggles the most important part is to get up and start each day fresh with positive mind . No bad day last for ever we get good days to just wait for it
You made me so sad when I read your comments. How could life be so cruel to you. However, unfortunately, life does deal us bad hands but hey, come on, please please please don't give up. I know it's very hard but look at all the good work you have done in your life. If you are losing your job because of a "computer" you really ought to be offered something else if possible. If not "Redundancy may be called for. At least it would give you something. There will be positives around the corner. Look what you did in your weight loss. Hang on in there please. All the very best.
I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this low. Hopefully you have the strength to ask for a little help. Are you not able to get any benefit to help you and your son
So sorry to read your post. Being ill and other financial and social factors impact on us also. I’m thinking of you wish I could help more. We have to take responsibility for our actions - not easy when you just want to be healthy and financially stable, speak to your CAB. Push yourself to exercise it does clear your head. Xxx
I'm so sorry you have all this to deal with. Job loss is a horrible situation but if you've been there more than a couple of years you should get a redundancy payment which will help a little. If you can't get another job, you should be entitled to job seekers allowance or some other financial help. I do understand it's worrying when you have a mortgage and the stress of dealing with your son. I can't offer any real words of wisdom but I can offer my sympathy and wish you the strength to deal with all of this. We do all feel there's no hope at times, it's normal when you get bad news to feel really low.. but I hope you will rally and find a strength that you need to get you through this low time. xxx Good luck xxx
Often people who have Hepatitis develop Diabetes Type 2. Please try to go to your GP to at least have a test. I think in England you can even get tested just at a chemist so if you really don't want to go to your GP then at least go to a chemist and have a test. Diabetes can make you eat and eat and eat even if you are just borderline. Please try to eat less - I know from your post why you are eating. Try to replace the eating with some exercise even if it is just exercises whilst laying on your bed. Start with moving your arms and legs or even with deep breathing - anything is better than eating. Try to use distraction techniques to take your mind off everything. Please go to your GP for some support straight away before your situation gets even worse.
Did they test you for Hepatitis C? Do they do this test as routine before diagnosing NASH?
There are many options for you if you are well enough to work. If you are not well enough to work you will need to claim benefits or get a job working from home. Please don't give up - there are so many options available to you.
Love from
Twinkling Star
I’m sorry to hear you are dealing with a lot. Have you tried doing guided meditation. Have you tried connect with naturalpathic doctors. They can help you with health issues. Also a great resource to help people deal with stresses of life.
I really hope you can get some sort of help very soon, you don't deserve all this bad luck. Please take care . Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
It sounds as if you are lonely and isolated on top of your medical problems, money worries and the stress of caring for a son with a severe mental illness. I can appreciate your feelings and can understand your situation seems overwhelming. My husband has NASH and liver cancer (HCC), we also have a son with a severe mental illness who lives with us. I would suggest you see your GP as soon as possible and make it clear you need some support, your GP is there to help you, so please go and talk to him/her. Keep in touch on here too, were you can get support from other members. I send you love and know this, you are wanted and needed, you can cope and cope well. xxx
I’m so sorry to hear that, I feel your pain, and I truly feel at times like giving up, but we can’t , your a strong woman ask for help money etc, you just need to keep your chin up, I promise there will be better days
Please don't give up. I often feel the same we have to support each other