just wondering If Cirrhosis secondary to NASH with portal hypertension is de compensated or compensated I understand that varices and Ascites are normally present with de compensated but does having the portal hypertension make a difference ?
just wondering : just wondering If... - British Liver Trust
just wondering
Portal hypertension occurs due to cirrhosis and is often present in both compensated and decompensated cirrhosis - basically blood can't flow through the scarred liver and starts to back up in the portal vein. When blood tries to redirect itself into smaller blood vessels which can't cope with the increased volume is when varices and other p/h complications occur. Varices can be present in the compenstated stage of cirrhosis too.
Stage 1 cirrhosis No Varices, No Ascites (compensated)
Stage 2 cirrhosis - Varices, No Ascites (compensated)
Stage 3 cirrhosis - Ascites, +/- Varices (decompensated)
Stage 4 cirrhosis - Bleeding from varices, +/- Ascites (decompensated)
I had portal hypertension and varices with compensated cirrhosis, due to Nash. However after 3 years I developed heptatic enchalopathy, so I became decompensated and required a transplant.