Is there any connection between portal hypertension and regular high blood pressure? For example if your arterial BP is going up does that mean your portal pressure is increasing too? I’ve never really understood if they are connected. But I think I remember reading somewhere that if you have portal hypertension it can cause your arterial BP to be low. Does anyone have experience with this?
Portal Hypertension vs Regular Hyperte... - British Liver Trust
Portal Hypertension vs Regular Hypertension

The two are separate issues. My hubby tended to have low circulatory blood pressure even when he had portal hypertension.
My Hepatologist had me monitor my heart rate with the regular blood pressure monitor. Beats per minute. She said that the goal (with Carvedillol as a preventative measure) was to keep the rate at 55-65 beats per minute.
How the beats per minute translates to each blood pressure separately, I don’t know.
But, I guess if your heart was racing it would make sense that they both increase …? 🤷♀️
Hi, I have portal hypertension and that is what caused my varacies to burst on quite a few occasions. I had a TIPS procedure to reduce my portal hypertension. This does not eliminate the underlying problem.
I have never suffered with high BP before but recently been put on ramapril as my BP is regularly over 150/95 and heart rate above 100 bpm resting 😬
Hi yes but only recently and had TIPPS 8 years ago. I am a bit overweight and I smoke too so it’s probably that