I am 42 years old in the US and have had my NASH cirrhosis diagnosis for 5 years. I was compensated until early this year when I developed Ascites.After some hard work with diet and exercise I have managed to improve my labs and MELD score greatly. Began the summer at a MELD 26 and am currently at an 11. Needless to say I no longer qualify for transplant at this time.
my dilemma is that I am requiring a fluid draw every 10-14 days and am unable to take an effective dosage of diuretics due to low serum sodium levels. I have a consult for TIPSS tomorrow and would like to here some feedback from those who have had the procedure. I have no HE symptoms and realize that is a risk, but are they debilitating to the point I would not be able to drive, work, enjoy life etc. Also, is it effective in Ascites reduction? Is it something that could buy me a few years? I try to stay away from the internet other than this forum because everything seems like a death nail going by what is published online.