Hi Guys ( my first post ! ) I was in hospital March 22 being diagnosed with decompensated liver,disease after under 6 months now my lfts are in the green ,no ascites , very happy.. but I have hell on earth with a frozen shoulder , I just managed to start sleeping now this ! I've been offered shock wave treatment for this but Im unsure if this can have an adverse affect on my liver, I don't want to un do my hard work. Has anyone had this treatment or been advised against it ? Thank you
Shock Wave Treatment for Frozen Should... - British Liver Trust
Shock Wave Treatment for Frozen Shoulder with Liver Diesese

Hi, I am new here but how is a frozen shoulder replaced to your liver problems? I am concerned as I also have a lot of shoulder pain making it hard to sit down as it shoots up between my shoulder blades and in bed it’s agony xx
Hi there star the reason I ask is because having liver diesese means I cannot take any pain killers for it, no nsaids like ibrupfen , no topical gels nothing I just have to suffer the pain ( and yes its a killer in bed at night ) Any treatment to my body I'm very cautious about, as shockwave treatment is kinda new I wondered if it had any affect to the liver in anyway at all. I actually have a last minute appointment at 12 today at a private sports massage therapist. Ill let you know how I get on, unless when I get there they say no because of the liver issue.
thank you for explaining I can’t take any of the painkillers either are you able to take the nerve pain medication? Some people use things like gapapentin, pregablin, also Amitriptyline, ssri meds or duloxetine.
Have you ever been referred to a pain specialist? They also do nerve blocks which is a local anaesthetic into the nerve to stop the pain. Could be worth seeing a pain specialist as they would know best with your liver issues.
Do you know what’s causing your shoulder pain?
Good luck at the physio I hope it helps you. I don’t know about shock wave but I find stimulation to my nerve issues makes them worse things like tens machines are horrific but everyone is different xx
pain management doctor gave me amiltryptiline and cocodamol for pain in both shoulders which i thought was caused by pruning my vine with haeavy loppers .amiltryptilene worked before after pain caused by sabre treatment for liver cancer
hi mozlaw, thanks for the reply, I thought Cocodamol was a no go on liver diesese ? Because to be honest I've taken the odd one in the past prior to this and they knocked me out ( which would now be totally ideal ) Thanks
Hi Taffy, I had a frozen shoulder that lasted a year. It was stiff and the pain limited movement while it was in the freezing phase. Then during the frozen phase it just wouldn't budge, literally frozen. Then it started to thaw and as movement started to come back the pain started to ease.
I was not diagnosed with liver disease at that time but I did NOT take any pain medication because I was fairly certain I had liver problems which is now confirmed.
I used a corn heating bag that you can purchase from Etsy. I put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and used it throughout the day and when I went to bed. The heat gave me a lot of comfort and the bag can mold around your shoulder.
I also went to PT twice/week in the frozen and thaw periods. You can ask them for ice before and after your sessions. I also had a cortisoncortisone shot in my shoulder. I don't feel like it helped me but its an alternative you could try.
Good luck and hang in there, it will get better.
I had a frozen shoulder and it healed with physical therapy…I couldn’t lift my arm whatsoever to put my jacket on
Hi, first off - ask your doctor! That's what they're there for. But personally, I really wouldn't worry about it. You have something much more susceptible to shock than your liver which is your heart relatively close to your shoulder and if there was any danger of actual damage from the shock it wouldn't be happening. These sorts of treatments tend to be very focused on the specific area and having had excruciating frozen shoulder pain in the past (really one of the most painful if not the most painful thing ever) I'd be doing anything to get rid of it. In fact, a fibroscan for fibrosis in the liver deliberately sends shock waves into the liver to be able to measure the reflections which give a good reading on the amount of fibrosis within it.
if anybody is interested ( I know it not to do with the liver ) but shockwave cured my frozen shoulder , amazing 5 sessions and I have incredible movement now. Just need to keep exercising