I still haver liver fibrosis through alcohol and haven’t touched a drop for 2 years now, but my ELF score has gone up from 9.8, 10.1, 9.1, now 10.1 again (all done at 6 monthly intervals) I don’t understand why? I lost two stone in weight although I have put a stone back on, but my ultrasound last September showed no fatty liver, so that’s pleasing. So even though I don’t drink alcohol any more and honestly don’t feel the need to. I do enjoy ice cream and milk chocolate a few times a week. Could this be the reason why? But I do eat relatively well, lots of salads and a bit of fruit. Totally baffled and am not allowed another ELF test for two years.! This is giving me lots of anxiety, I don’t know quite what to do. Your thoughts are very much appreciated.