Hemocromitosis: What is it please. Not... - British Liver Trust

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41 Replies

What is it please. Not sure I’ve spelt it right. Sorry

41 Replies
AyrshireK profile image


in reply to AyrshireK

Both sons now have mildly raised liver enzymes

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

They both need to undergo further testing, but, it doesn't necessarily mean they have an issue as we've discussed before with your first lad.

Haemochromatosis is usually easily diagnosed as it shows up in abnormal (elevated) iron levels in blood. The BLT page details the various tests used in diagnosing the condition.

in reply to AyrshireK

Thankyou your so kind. My youngest found out today about raised levels as he was in hospital for his fractured knee. They done bloods and then told him they were mildly raised. Just told him to consult his GP. Would they of had them both in if it was this condition. He’s on Naproxen so not sure if it could be that. And oldest son hasn’t got appointment for scan yet but when he spoke to the doctor he said do I need to change anything diet/drink she said no your fine. That’s a weird thing to say though for a doctor isn’t it

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

I don't think the advice for your first son not to change anything re. his diet just now isn't unusual as doctor wasn't concerned about the mild elevation in his blood and is only doing the scan just to be sure.

Again, without knowing which bloods were mildly elevated we can't offer any guidance. Just like in your first son's case they will probably want to repeat bloods down the line to see if it's a blip or a pattern. It could indeed be linked to the Naproxen.

Don't go hunting out potential issues where there are as yet none to be concerned about.


in reply to AyrshireK

I’m sorry I don’t know which bloods were elevated

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to

It doesn't sound like hospital were overly concerned in that they've just said to see GP. GP will probably re-run tests and take it from there.

in reply to AyrshireK

That’s very true also he has been on morphine/naproxen and codene. My other son is on Sertraline and takes Omprazole sometimes

Ubwa profile image
Ubwa in reply to

Stop looking for zebras :)

pushthrough profile image
pushthrough in reply to

Julie when you found out both of your sons have mildly raised liver enzymes did you go online and search for "liver diseases that are hereditary", "hereditary diseases that cause elevated liver enzymes" or something similar? People with severe anxiety always go to dark places and think the worst.

As we think were finding clues to confirm what our dark thoughts are saying it spirals out of control because we are convincing our mind of bad things over and over again. When I found out it was looking bad for my liver I got put on another anxiety medication right away because I thought I was going to die in 3 years. Google said so and so did my mind. I was a dead man walking. I got put on medication came here and Danny and Katie I believe were the first two to help stop the negative thought patterns. The truth is, I will likely die of something else before the liver disease.

That cycle would not have stopped if I was not on medication for anxiety. Danny and Katie shifted my thinking though and medicine allowed my mind to be shifted towards the positive. When I found out I did in fact have cirrhosis I was extremely sad and scared but the people here helped.

in reply to pushthrough

Thankyou for messaging yes I won’t lie I did go online and look up heredity liver disease. I know everyone is right in what they are saying to me and I need help with anxiety I really do. I’m so sorry I keep doing this

pushthrough profile image
pushthrough in reply to

Julie, don't be sorry. I just want you to get the help you need to live a better life. Anxiety was one of the main reasons I started drinking and it almost killed me so I take anxiety extremely serious. Many people don't realize how significant and debilitating it can be but I do. I would not wish Cirrhosis or Severe anxiety on my worst enemy.

in reply to pushthrough

Thankyou for your kind words xx

Thankyou Katie. I’m trying to just us all you lovely people more on here rather than Google. My anxiety is bad but I’m trying hard.

Positive001 profile image
Positive001 in reply to

Hi Julie, What have you done about your anxiety so far ? Did you call the helpline number l gave you last time you posted ?

in reply to Positive001

I’ve just spoke to the doctor I do need to use the number. You have be very kind

Positive001 profile image
Positive001 in reply to

Yes people here are, we are all here to help and point people in the right direction to find solutions.

pushthrough profile image

Julie, it’s extremely common for blood levels to be midly elevated. It could from anything. The keyword here is Mild. I’m afraid if you don’t get help for yourself for anxiety you may get physically sick. I strongly encourage you to speak to someone about GAD or panic disorder. I have both which is why I’m concerned. I’m getting treatment and I believe you likely need it to. It will change your life for the better I promise.

in reply to pushthrough

Thankyou it’s just scary because both of them now have it

in reply to pushthrough

Hi both boys are on tablets one is on naproxen and one is on Sertraline just wondering if that has something to do with it xx

Positive001 profile image


in reply to Positive001

Sorry spelling mistakes

Researchfreak profile image

Hi the condition is iron overload and it is hereditary. Don’t worry as evert two weeks I go for blood infusions and sometimes iron an sitting next to me is someone getting rid of a pint of their blood because it’s iron rich which if not diagnosed could cause problems . So every 4 to six months the person diagnosed goes to a unit gets rid of 1 pint and then gets up and goes home . We transfusion lot say we should hook up to the get rid lot.. your son should not have any problems wit normal life so stop worrying. It’s been diagnosed and treated.

in reply to Researchfreak

Thankyou for your message. Neither son has been diagnosed with it but both have mild elevated liver enzymes so I know I shouldn’t I just Google all the time. Did your parents have it as me and my husband havnt anything wrong. I’m so confused right now

Researchfreak profile image
Researchfreak in reply to

You need treatment more than your sons. See if you can get in touch with local mental health team.

in reply to Researchfreak

I really know I do. Thankyou Everyone is being kind

Hi Julie,

As we have suggested before, Googling will not help you.

Please take care


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ANU64 profile image

Hemochromatosis is when you have too much iron. I was tested for it before I was diagnosed ith Autoimmune hepatitis as my iron levels were through the roof.Hope this helps you a bit.

in reply to ANU64

Thankyou I did Google. Worse thing though.

Ubwa profile image
Ubwa in reply to

But you keep doing it , say you won’t and back to square one which looks like even though you say you are listening to what we advise, your actions say otherwise, so what benefit are you getting from it? Please, seriously stop it. The post above about you needing more help than your sons is sadly beginning to resonate with me too.

As I said in your last post, you can’t even tell us what’s elevated , we can geuss it may be their ferritin levels but even if you could let us know, none of us are more qualified than their doctors to advise and then we go back to square one.

ANU64 profile image
ANU64 in reply to ANU64

I google everything as well so you're not alone.I bet most people do and don't say.xx

in reply to ANU64

Thankyou that is such a truthful reply

Ubwa profile image
Ubwa in reply to ANU64

There is a difference in googling to educate yourself and going straight to panic stations

in reply to Ubwa

I agree with that to. Thankyou

Kakey profile image
Kakey in reply to

My doctor said Google for information, when you know what you have. Let the doctors do the detective work, they have all the info, which is essential for a diagnosis. Googling on spec just fuels imagination and anxiety.

in reply to Kakey

I know exactly what you mean. I appreciate your support xx

barneuboy2k profile image

Guy I live with has it, its too much iron in your blood he goes and has a bag of blood drained once a month. I can be passed down in families (thats what he sticks too lol) but often too much alcohol. They just throw the blood away. He gets his blood checked too and sometimes he's told he doesnt need it doing for a few months if ever again so its an up & down thing. Nothing too scary but of course can make him very tired sometimes so feel like he needs to go. Im no pro, just know his story from it. Hope that helps, hes active and fine.

in reply to barneuboy2k

Thankyou for a very kind messages. I really appreciate it.

Roy1955 profile image

I am sure you have googled both meds and seen that both have the potential to harm the liver.Strange that a hospital did blood tests for a broken knee though!

in reply to Roy1955

Hi yes I have googled the meds Roy1955 . It was his 2nd appointment about his knee and they done bloods and a ultrasound scan on his knee they suspected a blood clot because of the swelling on his knee. Thankyou for your message. I appreciate it

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