Are supplements from health shops worth taking when suffering from cirrhosis?
Vitamin Supplements for liver - British Liver Trust
Vitamin Supplements for liver

Depends on what your consultant says, mine recommended I supplement zinc, and recommended a multi vitamin in the early days. Your body will only uses what it can make use of anyway so generally safe.
Stay away from herbal or alternative remedies though.
I take a multivitamin. Be careful with the iron.
Too much iron can rapidly increase the damage to the liver. Only take suppliments prescribed or recommended by your doctor.
Only take what your Dr approves.Suppliments, herbals, liver clense, vitamins, and "natural" are ALL medication and the majority of them MUST be considered as untested medication.
What goes in must come out and its your liver or kidneys that has to filter it out of your system!
Be very careful vitamin C and zinc seem safe but not herbal remedies, check with your consultant or GP before taking anything that is metabolised by your liver.
Initially it is critically important to speak with your Consultant. I did and he referred me to my local Hospital ( liver disease) dietitian, or it could be your Liver transplant dietitian. It was explained to me that most of the nutrients that you require can be gained from a healthy diet. Probably more balanced towards protein to keep any sarcopenia in check.Occasionally Vit B12 or Iron tabs can be taken under guidance.
Everyone’s situation is different, hence referring to the specialists that know you, in the first instance, is vital.
Good Luck