Hi all, my question is does anyone else suffer from dizziness having Cirrhosis of the liver? I was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the Liver last year, just recently I have suffered from dizziness and do not know if this is a link to this. Would be great to have feedback on this. Thanks.
Dizziness?: Hi all, my question is does... - British Liver Trust

Hi Mick1414, if your dizziness is new, I would suggest chatting to your GP about it as dizziness could be a sign of various conditions.Best wishes

Hi Trust10, I have seen a nurse practitioner at my GP Surgery twice now and they cannot put a finger on the course of this. All I am told is to take this medication and see how it works, up to now it has not, to be honest, the last medication they have put me on is Cinnarizine 15mg two to be taken three times a day, this is making my dizziness even worse. I shall give it till Mondy or Tuesday next week and if no better to contact my GP Surgery again.
Hi Mick, I used to get dizziness with cirrhosis but I was stage 4 decompensated. I was suffering with ascites, so I had a fluid restriction and it may of been dehydration. I did speak with others who suffered as well. It mainly come on when standing from sitting and walking into another room (🤷♂️). I would prop myself up for a minute and it would go. My GP said it could of been an ear infection. So please get checked because having a fall with cirrhosis (happened to me as well) can be dangerous..... landing on the liver side.Wishing you all the best/luck going
Danny x
I used to suffer from dizziness really badly when on diuretics - not sure if you're taking those. The dizziness stopped when I stopped taking the diuretics.
Hi mick I suffer dizziness at Times especially when I standard up horrible feeling just one of the symptons that this horrible disease comes up with best of luck Terry
Hi Mick, have you had blood tests to monitor your Serum Sodium level?It should be above 135. Mine dropped suddenly to 123 and I became really dizzy. Could have easily gone into a coma if not caught early.
Any way I was told to stop Diuretics altogether for a few days as this often brings the sodium back up (to 128 in my case) which the Hep is happy with. Downside is my diuretics are now reduced so ascites more prevalent which means a "drain" every 6 weeks or so.
Equally your dizziness could be due to something else's entirely.
Always check with GP first (for bloods) and then Consultant .
Good luck!
Are you on any anti nausea tablets? My husband had falls, tremors and confusion that they said was HE. When he was taken off the anti nausea it all stopped.
I was dizzy a little bit last night after having a little walk but put it down to working too much like the week before and hadn't taken all meds early before walk and not eating too much
Yes also insomnia
Do you know what our latest ferritin level? Dizziness can be caused by that being low. I have liver problems and recently had dizziness since having the third covid jab also severe head and neck pain after fall. A and e said it’s nothing serious but I’m still getting dizziness. The liver filters the blood so any disruption to it is going to alter our electrolytes which in turn can cause dizziness. Best to get blood test, see results and find out if you can replace lost vitamins and minerals safely. Stay safe, slow and steady moving till sorted x
Many thanks, LaurieRose, I am not sure what my ferritin levels are, I have an appointment with a nurse practitioner tomorrow so I will ask then. I will keep you posted.
Hi mick weir for me this quite normal but if you are worried about this why not telephone the nurses on this site they helped me several times regards Terry