I am in awe of this site and the wealth of information that is shared. I am from the states and have found nothing like the British Liver Trust. Thanks for all your posts and for all your efforts!
I have battled pain under my right/left ribs since my gallbladder was removed in 1992. I had an ERCP which put me in the hospital for 11 days with severe pancreatitis. There were no definite findings. It was suggested that my bile ducts might be too long and causing the problem. I had a variety of other scans/bloodwork over the years but nothing definite. I was later diagnosed with GERD and tried various meds. I am presently taking Dexilant. I continued to battle and deal with the pain the best I could for years while living life in the classroom with my students. I am a teacher and dearly love my job. However, due to my health, I am taking early retirement. I cry daily as I do not want to leave the job that I dearly love. I am discouraged and disheartened as I fight for wellness. I have changed my diet and am working on losing weight. However, I do get frustrated because at times that is the first things doctors bring up before they LISTEN to your story. As a teacher I gave 110% and truly cared. At times, I do not feel they are listening or taking me seriously.
I was diagnosed with AFIB, blockage, and small vessel disease about four years ago. However, they have not been able to replicate the AFIB on other tests, but I still take Eliquis. I also have diabetes and was recently put on a pump (Omnipod) and a Dexcom.
In October of 2020, I went to Mayo Clinic to try to find answers. I saw a variety of doctors (cardiologist, endocrinologist, internal medicine, GI, allergy, bariatric, etc.) over the course of ten days. I had a heart cath which showed 60% blockage. I ended up coming home because navigating the billing process and CPT codes were a bit overwhelming. They did not mention anything regarding my liver while I was there being evaluated.
In 2018, I visited the doc that did the ERCP for another opinion for the pain under my ribs. He referred me to a liver specialist that indicated I had fatty liver disease. He told me to diet and lose weight. At the time I was 6'3" and weighed 310 lbs. I am now 281 pounds and working on losing the weight. I think I have shrunk an inch. Due to other health conditions and the pandemic, I did not return to the liver doctor until a few weeks ago due to feeling unwell.
When I went a few weeks ago to see him again, a student examined me and then shared with the doctor. I shared the following symptoms with the student...
The pain is a lot of pressure under both ribs (liver/spleen areas) and under my right armpit and shoulder. It feels like balloons inflating under my ribs. I have itching, severe neuropathy in my feet and hands which also relates to diabetes, although recently much worse in my feet. I also struggle with pressure in my neck and head. At times, I have trouble concentrating and feel very lightheaded. I fear I am having a stroke at times. My vision fluctuates with dry watery eyes. I am also struggling to exercise due the pain/pressure. I cannot lie on either side due to the pressure and pain possibly relating to my liver and spleen. I sleep on my back which is not my favorite position. I have chest discomfort and nausea. I tire easily and have a lot of fatigue.
The doctor came in with the student and told me it was not my liver. I explained I was concerned and that my internist suggested having a fibrascan. The doctor said, "Let's do it." I felt he was not taking me seriously. He went with me for the scan and his facial expression changed during it. He told the student that it was indicating a 4 which is the highest score. He told me that I would need a transjugular liver biopsy and promptly left with the student. I was an emotional mess. The nurse came out to the waiting room while I was fighting back tears. She took me in a room and tried to comfort me and calm my fears. We discussed that the test indicated the possibility of cirrhosis. I was in shock. I was also frustrated that the doctor did not examine me or take time to talk with me regarding the results.
Bloodwork was also ordered, and all was normal except for the following:
wbc 11.8 (high) (My WBC has been elevated since April of 2020.)
Absolute Neutrophil 8.8 (high)
PT 14.9 (high)
INR 1.30 (high)
Total Protein SerPl QN 8.1 (high)
AST (SGOT)14 U/L (low)
LYMPHOCYTE #1.9 K/mm3 (highlighted in red with no explanation)
MONOCYTE #0.8 K/mm3 (highlighted in red with no explanation)
NEUTROPHIL#8.7 K/mm3 (highlighted in red with no explanation)
I am supposed to have a transjugular biopsy next Wed., 1/19/22 and am very scared. It sounds like a terrible procedure. I wonder if there are other less invasive tests and is it necessary. I also fear the worst, cirrhosis, or cancer. I truly do not feel well. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. You are all truly treasures as you touch lives with each post. Thank you to the British Trust staff for all your amazing work.