Feet numbness getting worse. Any simil... - British Liver Trust

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Feet numbness getting worse. Any similar experiences?

Margolia profile image
15 Replies

Hi all! I have a question about feet numbness. I was diagnosed with neuropathy caused by alcohol misuse a while ago, I have had some feet/toes numbness and I was able to reconcile with it and was doing fine. I stopped drinking in February of this year and in August my feet started to get progressively numb.

I have seen neurologist yesterday and he did EMG studies. His conclusion - neuropathy is getting better based on EMG results (compared to March 2021 studies) and most probably more prominent foot paresthesia reflects some degree of recovery. Obviously, TSH, glucose, and vitamins levels are normal. No matter how much I want this to be true, I have negative experiences trusting doctors - once it almost costed me my life, another led to permanent disability, so it would be foolish from my side to continue blindly trust doctors taking into account where it has already brought me to. I obviously do not ask for the diagnosis as I have one from yesterday.

I would really appreciate it if you share your experience with neuropathy once you discontinued to drink, did it get better? Worse? I am still very uncomfortable, including psychologically with this progressing numbness. I am just curious about other people's experiences with this neurologic disorder. Thank you!

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Margolia profile image
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15 Replies
DavyGravy profile image

Hi Margolia

I have no idea what my numbness is.

I have numbness in my feet, my diabetes nurse is a little concerned but I still have sensation, I can sense when she touches my toes but my feet are ice cold and tingle all the time. I think being sat in front of my pc for hours has probably damaged the nerves or circulation but I have bought a revitive medic ( a footplate that causes muscles in my feet to contract and expand in pulses) and it seems to be helping, the tingling used to go up to my ankles and now is just the last 3 inches (75 mm) of my feet by my toes.

Perhaps that is something you could try. I use it 30 minutes each day and after 3 days of having it set on maximum and feeling almost nothing, I suddenly felt it working more, now I can only have it about 80% power as it has worked so well for me.


Margolia profile image
Margolia in reply to DavyGravy

Thank you very much! I have bought this machine a month ago. It has TENS and EMS in it which is said to help circulation and possibly numbness. I have tried it but stopped because I had to consult with my orthopedic surgeon if I can use it (it has never entered my mind to ask before purchasing - I have nail in tibia but I keep forgetting about 🙂). I will start using it regularly and I appreciate your feedback with this machine a lot. It is so in time. Thank you. Unfortunately, I sometimes get discouraged easily if I don't see the results. What you wrote will definitely motivate me to be patient and allow it more time to start working. Thank you!!!

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to DavyGravy

I didn't know that you suffered Dave. I had to learn to walk again about 12 years ago when getting alcoholic hepatitis of the liver and an infection attacked the nerves in my feet. My senses went haywire, foot drop, feeling nothing with a pin test to standing on a phone charger cable creating excruciating pain. I have no reflexes neuropathy (Margolis) and I swing around gently when stood still with my eyes closed.I'm sorry Margolia (I can walk swinging my feet) but mine have only improved a little over the 12 years but after the liver transplant I have just had they have gotten a little better as well.

I'm going to try one of those plate things Dave, where do you get it from? 🙂👍

Margolia profile image
Margolia in reply to Zukosmile07

I wish you smoothest and fast recovery for as much as it is possible. I have spent 2 months in the hospital earlier this year (orthopedic ward) and my "neighbour's" daughter went through the surgery as a living liver donor. She has donated 60% of her liver. They were on the phone a lot these days🙂 I remember how she was cursing everything after the surgery. Well, cursing, no cursing, but lets say, she was really upset and struggling a lot. She was released from Toronto hospital and came back home to Ottawa to be followed here. When her Mom (my neighbour) asked her if she would do it again knowing what she will be through she avoided answering - just said to maybe ask her later. I can only imaging how a patient tortured by liver disease for months/years would feel after being a recepeient taking into the account the reaction of a healthy individual to this kind of interference. But of course everybody is different. I wish you get through it quickly. Can I ask why you had problems with walking? Due to pain or numbness? I am not sure how pain and numbness can go together. I am fully numb 70% on my left sole and I have no feeling there whatsoever - no pain, no cold/hot.

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Margolia

Thanks for the support and kind words. She should feel better in time. You have to be a very positive person.

My pain was affected differently all the nerve damage started to work the opposite. I could kick a wall and not feel a thing but the slightest increase in pressure in the wrong area is horrendous. I had to wear ankle straps for nearly a year (before transplant) to strengthen my application for walking (foot Drop was a major problem, I would trip constantly. I also was in hospital for 2 months before I was strong enough for my ankles to hold my weight. I had to learn to walk again. Balancing on boards, stretching leaning forward on a work surface and lifting my feet up and down from tip toes to heal. Strengthens the ankles and calves. Like I said I have no reflexes neuropathy, the feeling works opposite In my condition. I'm a heating engineer and being on my knees since the age of 16 working (not in a good way) didn't help with circulation, now I can have pins and needles for about 45 minutes from kneeling down for an hour doing work at low level.

It's a nightmare on holiday I can't take my shoes off incase I stand on anything (it's like walking on hot coals) I have to swim everywhere ( I don't mind, nothing seems to hurt apart from the occasional cramp in the calf muscles).

I have been tried over the last 12years. My liver through drinking caused all this, still no way of knowing if I had something underlined before my first liver scare it did start rapidly from hard drinking at 27/28 years old, when I was cheated on. It's been my coping mechanism for years with any kind of stress, anxiety, pain, fear, heart ache (drinking) Not anymore it took a real scare to open my eyes. Just dealing with the aftermath in my own way and not letting anything beat me without a damn good fight.

Danny x

Margolia profile image
Margolia in reply to Zukosmile07

You ve been through a lot with nerve damage issues 😱 From what I read and understand and from what my 3 previous neurologists said (I have had 3 more nerve conduction and EMG studies and consults in the past), the peripheral nerve damage will stop and might even slightly improve once I stop drinking. Well in my case, on the contrary, it began progressing on me and neurologist who I saw day before yesterday had his own interpretation - it is getting more numb most probably because it is healing. Well... in my understanding when the nerve is growing back it can be painful but if you don't feel anything, it means it is dead. I may be wrong, I don't know, but who is right 3 previous neurologists or the recent one? I can't stop thinking that he just brushed me off with the easiest excuse. Again, I don't know.

Was your damage diagnosed as peripheral neuropathy? Have you tried to book pedorthist consultation? I have had one but since I am not in pain, he could only offer me help with choosing the right OTC walking shoes which is great anyway to have his professional opinion. He said people who have foot pain will benefit from custom orthotics but for now I am not his patient. Maybe you can try this?

I think it is not liver that is causing it (sorry but I interpreted that you are blaming it on liver?). My liver damaging journey (lets call it that) started in 2005 when I have lost the functioning of my left calf due to the permanent nerve damage which was devastating - I was a very active person and in one single moment I have lost the ability to properly walk, let alone any more intensive activities. I have started to relieve stress with alcohol to reconcile with reality and in 2008 out of nowhere hip arthritis kicked in, so I used alcohol as a pain killer as well. I knew that I was overdoing but never realized to what extent until this winter when I was diagnosed. Anyways, the neuropathy started to show up 7 years ago or so, so I wouldn't link it to the liver damage directly at least in my case - the damage went asymptomatic all the time. Sometimes I wish liver was less forgiving in this respect and signal damage. Or you meant that your nerve symptoms got worse at the moment when the liver was damaged enough not to filter the toxins fully? Sorry for the confusion.

I was too diagnosed with right foot drop in 2010 but for some reason they linked it to the trapped nerve at the knee level. Anyway, it is gone for good as well. See, this is so complicated and confusing and when doctors are communicating inconsistent information it gets even more indigestible. 🤔

Anyways, you are right, I am doing my best to be on the positive wave and I like to keep in mind the following saying when I get out of track with possible morning and useless whining: "Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” — Elizabeth Edwards

Happy holidays!

Zukosmile07 profile image
Zukosmile07 in reply to Margolia

Fantastic, do you know.... It feels nice that someone else understands about nerve damage. I have been dismissed so many times because I put on my fake walk put my head down and drive. I worked through the pain and became a custom to it. Everything works differently, some days the pain is unbearable (weather has a major aspect on my feet) if I get them wet and don't dry them properly and continue to walk then I know I'm in a world of pain later. Now I have no liver issues I'm going to really chase up the physiotherapist and neurologist to see what/if anything can be done.Thanks let me know how you get on! Danny x

Margolia profile image
Margolia in reply to DavyGravy

I think revitive is the same as Dr. Ho's Circulation promoter? I was shopping for it earlier and they had a good deal on it. Is there any particular reason you chose revitive over the other similar TENS machines in this price range?

DavyGravy profile image

I got it from Boots which is appropriate as it is for my feet lol :D but I think there are cheaper generic versions out there on ebay that are probably just as good.

Hovegate profile image

I have had neuropathy for about 6 years in my feet due to diabetes. Over the last 18 months it has got worse. It has affected my balance severely having no feeling in feet. I had a nail in my shoe I did not know about and broke skin in arch of foot. By time I noticed it was infected and when x-rayed I discovered I also had a broken toe. Don't know how. I spent a week in hospital having antibiotics pumped into me. In October I lost my balance and fell downstairs and fractured my foot in a couple of places. Again didn't know until I saw some bruises and went to have it checked out. I never felt any pain in any of these incidents. Strange thing to me is that I do get pain and what I would describe as spasms especially at night that keeps me awake. 4 hours sleep is a good night for me. I can only walk short distances using a crutch as I feel as though I am staggering like I am drunk and fear falling again. I think more recently it is starting in my hands. I was also diagnosed with non alcoholic cirosis of the liver in July. I don't know if this is why it has got worse recently

Margolia profile image
Margolia in reply to Hovegate

Were you able to get an appointment with neurologist to discuss? What did they say? They always do nerve conduction + EMG studies and send you to do all blood work including vit B12. I also did B1 test but I had to pay for it. If it is progressing there must be a reason for it. As in my case - I don't believe that it came out of nowhere - it was stable for few years, only in my case it was toxic induced one, once I stopped drinking, half a year later the numbness began to progress 😳 I was hoping that at least it would remain stable or maybe improve a bit but I see the opposite result which really scares and stresses me out. I am in Canada and I cannot get second opinion even if I am willing to pay for the consultation. My family doctor can refer me but referrals are being returned due to high volume of patients. 😢 I also have severe fibrosis and being treated as an early cirrhosis patient for cancer screening protocol. I am not sure if cirrhosis has anything to do with the numbness worsening. Obviuosly before getting to F3-F4 fibrosis stage I had gone through 2 stages of fibrosis without knowing it. I didn't know that I have pre-cirrhotic condition at the time of diagnosis as I had no symptoms whatsoever. Once I stopped drinking, my liver is still improving to a better condition but the numbness is progressing, so there must be another reason. I would ask for a second opinion if I were you.

I fell down in February this year, it was not related to numbness, I just slipped (outside) and it resulted in leg fracture. It was a complicated spiral one requiring surgery. My surgeon told me to check bone density as he could visually see the altered structure. I did and I was diagnosed with osteopenia. I was prescribed risendronate but I chose to do supplementation first and redo the test in one year; if it shows worsening, I will start this medication. Have you checked your bones condition?

Hovegate profile image

Sorry I have just seen your reply. New to site so still learning to navigate it.I am having a bone density scan next month. Osteoarthritis runs in the family so maybe I have that. I live in England (Robin Hood county Nottinghamshire). I am waiting to hear on so many appointments lately but sure neurologist is one.

I too had no symptoms at all until last April and I was convinced it was my oesophagus as I have had trouble there before. Pain felt same.

The strange thing is my mother passed away 2 years ago. She had cirosis of the liver and varicose veins in stomach stomach just the same as me. Like I will from now on she had scans every 6 months checking the liver. In her case she had one in Dec nothing there and then in June had a tumor too big to remove. Passed away in Nov aged 69. I can not help but think the same is going to happen to me. I have tried to remember how long she had 6 monthly scans and if I right I estimate I got 5-6 years left. I am 52.

My diabetes was unstable for a while and maybe why neuropathy has got worse.

I hope you had a good Christmas and happy new year. I won't be celebrating this year as just tested positive for covid but I am fully vaccinated.

Margolia profile image
Margolia in reply to Hovegate

Hi! I hope you still had a good time even though you said you were not going to celebrate. Mine was ok, Christmas is tomorrow for me, so getting ready for a small dinner. I have already had a physio appointment this week and scheduled for MRI this Friday concerning my neuropathy and sciatica pain; family doctor next week, so non stop appointments. I hope yours go well too. Covid closures took effect in Ontario today, non urgent surgeries are postponed, stores are at 50% capacity, gyms closed, etc. Not affecting me directly, but there are a lot of sad people as a result of this, small businesses, as an example 😢 they spend their retirement funds to stay alive though these times with no guarantee at all that they will get through this. Anyway, this is the reality. I hope your symptoms are being mild since you had your vacs done.

Since I was diagnosed F3-F4, I have done my research on this illness and most important thing I figured is that it is a very individual thing with many factors to take into account creating a unique disease pattern in each case, so you should not compare and extrapolate symptoms and outcomes on your situation. I am sorry to hear about your mother.

In my opinion, the best thing to do is concentrate on your symptoms and closely monitor any changes. I keep a daily diary, for instance, about my neuropathy changes, food/drinks/physical activity in order to be able to attempt to see what triggers the symptoms to become worse. Since you said that your diabetes was unstable, this probably causes neuropathy to worsen.

Of course, you also need to get neurologist to rule out other causes. For instance, my neurologist sent me to blood tests in December to check my protein electrophoresis and today I have received results stating that I have diffuse hypergammaglobulinemia. He suspected that this condition besides my alcohol intake in the past, can trigger more numbness in my feet. I have called his office today and asked for a follow up appointment ASAP as I am totally confused. He concluded that since I have stopped drinking, my numbness can be a sign of healing but now it looks like is a sign of deteriorating due to this abnormal blood protein? I am really getting stressed out but I will try to keep it low for now as it will not lead to anything good. You can ask your neurologist to send you check this bloods, as I understand this is a protocol in Canada, I don't know about England, you can ask. Take care!!!

P.S. As I figured, it is a common practice, unfortunately, to blame everything on diabetes, alcohol, arthritis without digging into other possible causes of condition/symptom. 😢Unless patient does his own due diligence, another trigger can be easily missed. This is very bad but this happens. I have had this happened to me before, I am not making the same mistake any more and I make sure I come well prepared to each appointment. I hand out a list of my concerns and questions to doctor in the beginning of our appointment so he can see the scope and plan his time accordingly.

pushthrough profile image

Margolia, my experience with numbness was caused by a syrinx in my spinal cord. There’s nothing that can be done about it. It caused all sorts of weird sensations including numbness in the hands and feet. They were thought to be very rare when they discovered mine but these days they are considered more common.

I’m not sure about neuropathy from alcohol though. They had me on a drug for a while that is used to treat seizures and the name escapes me now. It did help me. Thankfully since I don’t have impacts to my head or spine any longer the symptoms have gone away. Oddly enough when they scanned my liver they found another one.

pushthrough profile image

I remembered what the medication was called that helped. Gabapentin. It has some sort of effect on the neurological system that decreases numbness and pain.

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