Lactulose problems. I was wondering if anyone else was having problems with lactulose. I am never out of the toilet and it seems to be creating extreme insomnia. I feel permanently exhausted. Is there any other medication u can try?
Lactulose : Lactulose problems. I was... - British Liver Trust

Discuss this with your medical team, lactulose is one medication which you can 'tweak' to suit your own needs. Ideally you need to reach a stage where you are moving your bowels 3-4 times daily. Any more and you'll be creating issues with dehydration etc. Discuss with your doctor/nurse if you can but try lesser amounts or spacing them differently.
My hubby has sudden and unannouced need to go which has caused accidents and/or the frequent visit to bushes whilst out in the countryside. His consultant said to reduce or take later if we are going out for the day to try and curtail this side of things but he still needs to move his bowels frequently to prevent HE.
Hubby is only on 20ml morning and 20 ml night time but can add more or reduce if needed (on advice of his doctor). He is also prescribed Rifaximin in conjunction to stave off HE symptoms.
I really struggled with lactulose. The Dr’s may be able to tweak the dose and that might help. I was prescribed laxido which I found much more gentle and didn’t dread every dose👍
I'm 2 years down the line with lactulose and I still haven't got a balance. I have the laxido also and I find these kinder. Still it either all or nothing 😳
As others have mentioned, you can tweak it to suit, I've been on lactulose for 13 yrs now, dose was upped about 4 yrs ago ,I take 15ml x2 per day but if I'm constipated for a few days I do increase the dose myself then revert back.. so its trial and error. As for insomnia, I have suffered really bad now for 5 yrs , im up till 5am every single night, and I may nod off but not for long , I don't sleep in the day only if I drop off by accident .
I'm exhausted at times but I won't allow it to get in the way as much as I can .