Liver pain : So I said I was going to... - British Liver Trust

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Liver pain

Linzenilss38 profile image
35 Replies

So I said I was going to stop drinking last week now my goal is tomorrow I had a nagging pain which is very painful in the liver area. I decided to drink after work today and it’s Constant and burning I’m so scared what did I do? It always came and went for 2 weeks now it’s really bad

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Linzenilss38 profile image
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35 Replies
Lilliebell profile image

Firstly don’t panic , try to keep calm . If the pain is seriously bad and you aren't coping then you may need to call your doctor but it could be that your panicking because you have drunk when you were trying not to . so the pain is seeming worse , I went through all this myself . have you had any proper help with giving up the alcohol? I think you need to find help if you haven’t as this is the most important thing for you , your body and your mental well-being. It’s hard but you definitely need to tell someone if you haven’t already that you need help . It can be done and your liver will thank you and you will feel so much better . If you drink all day come down slowly from it as coming straight off alcohol is very dangerous if you are addicted.

Linzenilss38 profile image
Linzenilss38 in reply to Lilliebell

I Haven’t been diagnosed but pretty sure now I have cirrhosis. Clean land and ultrasound 7 months ago carried on daily drinking 😥

Positive001 profile image
Positive001 in reply to Linzenilss38

It would appear your tomorrows never come. I think it's time you get professional help / councelling as you don't seem to manage to give up without it.

Linzenilss38 profile image
Linzenilss38 in reply to Positive001

I know. Do u think severe liver Pain with clear ultrasound 7 montage ago but continued daily drinking could have caused cirrhosis?

Lilliebell profile image
Lilliebell in reply to Linzenilss38

Only a scan will tell you that but I know for sure if you carry in drinking you will get cirrhosis. Please find some professional help . Just bite the bullet and do it . You don’t need to be living this way .

MLB_77 profile image
MLB_77 in reply to Lilliebell

Exactly. No better time than today.

Positive001 profile image

Well it may not have caused cirrhosis yet but your liver certainly doesn't like you continually chucking this poison at it. Carry on drinking like you are with no real end in sight will without doubt cause irreparable liver damage eventually. So stop drinking and give your liver the chance to recover while it still can.

chrisw740 profile image

I'm assuming that this is you 6 years ago:

Apologies if it isn't.

Either way, I hope you find the courage to ask for help as it's surely exhausting for you to keep feeling this tormented. Help is out there.

For some time you've been seeking reassurence that what you're doing isn't harmful.

You've recently been trying to assess and compare your alcohol consumption against other people's alcohol consumption believing it to be an indicator of the state of your own liver. It isn't.

The kind of professionals that can help you will have great respect for your honesty and make the next step with you. Imagine the relief when you break the cycle, face up to your challenges and look to an alcohol free future - where you are back in control. It's not easy but it's doable and gets easier with many rewards.

Obviously if you continue with these current symptoms you need to contact your Dr. You're not alone in this.

Linzenilss38 profile image
Linzenilss38 in reply to chrisw740

Thank u so much. It is me. I have battled alcohol for so long and now my symptoms are scaring me. I really appreciate your reply u can see I’m scared to death and should of been a wake up call than

chrisw740 profile image
chrisw740 in reply to Linzenilss38

Well one would assume you're still on the right side of crossing a line into irreversible damage. To keep it that way you have to end your toxic relationship with booze.

It owns some people.

Lots of ex drinkers discover they have a very robust 'off button' ... but a dreadful or non existent slow down button. Perhaps that singular truth needs to be engaged with.

MLB_77 profile image
MLB_77 in reply to chrisw740

Great responses, Chris. You are so right about this. Trying to moderate/control is exhausting.

Podcast “recovery elevator “ # 76 is an interview with my hero, Annie Grace. It is about 5 years old, so her brand has exploded since then.

But it is just an intro to to her way. The 3 episodes right after that are interviews with people talking about their attempts to moderate. (Along with hundreds of other interviews on the same topic 😂🥴)

Linzenlss38, Her podcast “this naked mind” will explain further as to why moderating DOES NOT WORK

sunnysmile profile image
sunnysmile in reply to MLB_77

I have just been watching Annie Grace - fascinating and shall be watching every day. She did say something I found curious. She explained that she had been drinking 1 - 2 bottles of wine for a decade and one night decided to stop. She did so and then went into researching it. It is so dangerous to just stop. She also said that with her programme you can either stop completely or get down to safe levels. I shall watch some more today. Regards Gwen

MLB_77 profile image
MLB_77 in reply to sunnysmile

She does state several times that if you are physically dependent to seek medical care. And with her theory it’s more of a mind set. Meaning that quitting out of willpower, fear, threats, etc don’t work.

Instead, being curious. “How would my life look like with out alcohol” and learning all about the truth (and lies) /science about drinking

Doing everything with love and compassion for yourself. Instead of beating yourself up if you drink, explore why/ and how you felt.

Using “relapse “ as “research/experiments” for yourself. Really getting to know yourself.

Also, say you are typically a daily drinker… and you end up drinking one day out of 10. Instead of beating yourself up and thinking yourself as a failure, shame, etc … thing to yourself- wow that was 90% better than my last 10 days, then you can explore more about that one day that caused you to drink.

(I’m not a big fan of the word relapse)

sunnysmile profile image
sunnysmile in reply to MLB_77

Yes great answer - thank you and it makes such sense - I am a great believer in the power of the mind and trying to quit"just like that" because someone says so is not the way to go. I will choose - because I am worth it. Brilliant site to be on btw. Love to all and regards - Gwen

MLB_77 profile image
MLB_77 in reply to sunnysmile

You are very welcome. I am so glad you have found it! I’m sure people get tired of me constantly touting it but I believe in it so much..I did want to clear up on one thing you commented on. She does not promote drinking at any level. She just states in the beginning of the book but if you are still currently drinking do not stop at that very second, instead to gain some knowledge first, work on the mind shift.

By the end of the book, you view it so differently.

The Title “control alcohol” is because she said that if you are in active addiction and are browsing books are you going to get one that says “quit alcohol forever” or “control alcohol”.

At some point we all thought we were able to eventually control it, right? 😂🥴

But really to me the “control alcohol” now means , I have taken back control of alcohol. I no longer depend on it, for ANYTHING.

sunnysmile profile image
sunnysmile in reply to MLB_77

Thank you MLB - and noted. For some reason something has clicked :) Keep safe and regards - Gwen

Nixxysarge1 profile image

Good morning. I follow these posts every morning as I find it keeps me from drinking.

I had a very similar experience. Clear ultrasound but the pain continued.

I cut down my beer intake a couple of years ago now but decided to go T total 15 weeks ago today. This message is to assure you that there is a life without alcohol, I remember how daunting it seemed at the time. Now I’m kicking myself at how many years I wasted drinking. You can do it, seek the relevant help (hypnosis alongside CBT worked for me) I’m now happier than ever, loving it.

Any pains and niggles I had before have gone and everything has returned to normal.

All the best


Simonamur profile image

Please Linz stop drinking until is not to late. You can live the life you want without alcohol being your friend ! My dad was a heavy drinker and was drinking every day, starting his day with a glass of wine at 10 am. In 2019 he went to the doctor and was diagnosed with beginning of cirrhosis, then he had the chance to reverse the diagnosis, however he didn’t stop drinking and now he is in hospital with serious liver issues, his life hanging on a transplant.

Don’t want to scare you with my dad’s situation, yours could be different. I would like to make you realise this is serious.

Some very good posts here. They resonate with me. I knew I was drinking too much, but convinced myself everything was fine. I tried to cut down many times, succeeded at one point to reduce my consumption by 75%. Sadly, it wasn’t too many months before it had gone back up and I was at the same levels as before. I didn’t seek help, or if I did, it was halfhearted and certainly not truthful about my level of consumption. Then I got sick. Very sick. I was hospitalised for 5 weeks, and for the first 2 of those cannot remember much about it. My partner of 11 years decided he’d had enough and left me whilst I was in hospital. My family were devastated by how unwell I was and were terrified I was going to die. (Not far off it apparently at one point). The doctors and nurses were fantastic, treated me well, even though it was self inflicted. One nurse in particular sat and talked with me. Her mother had been in much the same place as I was a year or two earlier. She knew it was make or break time for me. She explained that my liver was very weak, but if I kicked the alcohol completely, took my medication and ate a good diet then I could recover. Not completely, but be well enough to have a good quality of life and a good life expectancy. I did what she advised and she was right. I’m running 2 miles a day now, I used to walk it, but before I was hospitalised I sat on the sofa and couldn’t even imagine it! I’d say you are at a turning point. Carry on putting it off till tomorrow and you’ll get to where I got to. Take action now - go and see your GP to get professional help. You will have to stop drinking completely, but you need to do that under clinical supervision. It’s very dangerous to try to do it yourself.

Linzenilss38 profile image
Linzenilss38 in reply to

Thank you so much for your response. How much and how long were you drinking?

Dogbot profile image

It’s one of the hardest things to do but you must find a way wether it’s with professional help lik your doctors or AA or just make your mind up that your not going to drink anymore, I’m a true believer in if you haven’t got it in your head your never do it so sit down and have a good think about what you want out of life, good luck .Stay Safe All

Dogbot 🐶🌈

Roy1955 profile image

Easy choice.

1: A slow painfull undignified suicide.

2: Give up drink and hopefully live a bit longer.

Linzenilss38 profile image
Linzenilss38 in reply to Roy1955

Thank you. I had a huge binge last night feel like I’m dying today and I told myself I am done!!! I have 2 young kids and I can’t do this to them

Positive001 profile image
Positive001 in reply to Linzenilss38

Why do you still have booze in the house if you are determined to ģive up? Pour it all down the loo.... now! No you are right you can't do this to your children. What if there was an emergency and you needed to get to them or they needed to get to hospital, how can you possibly care for them if you are pissed out of your head having another binge eh? You carry on like this they will grow up thinking this is normal behaviour for a parent and follow in your footsteps. You will be in no position to say don't drink because they will say well you do!Do you want them to spend their young adult lives crying, begging you to get help while you continue to drink, throw up everywhere, turn yellow and end up in ICU? Do you want them to be on here in another 6 years asking for help because they are watching you kill yourself through booze? No, you want to be around for them, fit, healthy and vibrant, living a happy life with them.

Come on ..... please see your GP, show him you are committed to quitting, be honest about the amounts you drink and why you drink. Ask about immediate councelling and make your children have a parent they can be proud of. A parent who had problems but kicked the booze and made a better life for yourself and for them.

in reply to Linzenilss38

Linzenills, I do feel for you and your struggle in overcoming this but no one here can reassure you and tell you that you won’t get cirrhosis if you carry on.

I’m going to be blunt. You say you feel like you are dying today, have you any idea of what it feels like to have multiple brushes with death due to the complications of cirrhosis? To actually be dying? Many people on this forum do, despite looking after themselves really well.

If your tests were clear not so long ago, you have every chance of reversing any damage done. You could be happy and live an amazing life with your children and see them grow up. Do you want to look back and think, if only I had stopped on October 4th 2021. I’m saying the 4th rather than today as you need to do it with the appropriate support, and medication, so contact your doctor tomorrow.

WilkesG profile image

It's hard to know. I have had those pains for like 7 years...not severe at all, but dull and annoying. But tests were always ok, and they came and went...I stopped drinking about 6 months ago and I still have them. They are mainly bad when I do activities. Not even real strenuous ones but carrying bags of groceries upstairs or folding laundry or something even. Sometimes when I sleep. It's still not painful enough to call it severe pain or anything but I wish it would go away. Sometimes I wonder if it is a sign of fatty liver pressing up against the walls which causes the pain since liver is not supposed to cause pain...because with cirrhosis it shrinks and with bruising pain there likely subsides because it is not enlarged and pressing against walls..though that's just a thought. In any case, you need to stop drinking, stop sugar, stop trans and saturated fats and exercise if you can.

Margolia profile image
Margolia in reply to WilkesG

Liver shrinks only at the very end stage of cirrhosis, i.e. when liver is almost dead. Otherwise, cirrhosis is characterized by enlarged liver and spleen.

WilkesG profile image
WilkesG in reply to Margolia

OK, I guess that wasn't a good guess. So maybe compensated enlarged and decompensated shrinking. It appears looking at some things that is the case...and by then you have the symptoms of ascites, varices, jaundice, etc.

in reply to WilkesG

No, not necessarily, you can have decompensation and a normal size liver.

WilkesG profile image
WilkesG in reply to

Well a normal sized one shouldn't be too painful if liver doesn't feel pain and only causes it when enlarged and pressing against other things.

mayk19 profile image
mayk19 in reply to WilkesG

That’s interesting - I’m the same. Had a zillion tests, Fibroscan etc last year after having pain for a year - all fine. I did stop drinking for months. Then it mostly went away but all medical investigations said not liver, and found issue in my spine causing pain across back, side and ribs. Now, I’ve started drinking again this year more, and the pain is back - so now I’m thinking they have it wrong about back issues - however all liver investigations before were fine ! Like you say maybe for some of us the first sign of issues is pain from swelling

WilkesG profile image
WilkesG in reply to mayk19

Pain is definitely in back for me too...not because of my back.

Kuntzie13 profile image
Kuntzie13 in reply to mayk19

Me!!! Me too!! I have had all of the tests over the last year, and nothing has come back with diagnosis other than a 1cm dilated extrahepatic bile duct! My pain F-ING SUCKS! I quit Drinking august 26th, my 36th birthday. I drank one time between now and then and it made my pains much worse. I do have bad back problems, but this pain I’m convinced is my liver from years of pain medicine and drinking. I don’t know what else to do I’ve seen 5 doctors. I am going to request a fibroscan, have you gotten any answers?

mayk19 profile image
mayk19 in reply to Kuntzie13

Hi sorry to hear about your pain, hope you find the source. Erm - I saw the GP and he assured me it’s spinal problem. I’ve still cut my drinking to below recommended and still in a lot of pain. I need to go to physio and stick to the excercise to see if the combo of both works

najnaj123 profile image

I have not been on this forum for a long time, but reading your post I feel compelled to reply. I am going to be incredibly blunt, so please do not read on if you can't face facts about alcoholism Linzenilss. I have a relative who sadly is at the end of their life. I have not asked permission from family so will not give too many personal details and will refer to my relative as 'they'. They have had numerous admissions into hospital over the years, due to the complications of drinking. The background is that their partner walked out on the marriage as they found someone else, and this led to a downward spiral, from what would be a couple of glasses of wine in the evening, to several bottles. The breakdown in the marriage was too much to bear and the addiction took hold having devastating consequences. It ripped the immediate family apart with the strain, and it was heartbreaking for them and everyone else. They lost everything, including close friends who could no longer cope. My relative is only in their late 40's, and is the kindest, most caring, sensitive person you could wish to meet. If someone 15 years ago, had said that this would happen to them, it would of seemed absolutely absurd! I cannot begin to tell you the health complications they have suffered, including broken bones through falling, vitamin deficiences, ascites, jaundice and bleeding. Not to mention the hallucinations and loss of weight.It is not just the liver, spleen and kidneys that are affected, but all the other health problems that are associated with alcohol too. I am certain that many others on here would vouch for that.Sadly, my relative has been in hospital awhile now, slowly deteriorating and we all accepted the likelihood they would never return home. It is heartbreaking to witness and you feel helpless. In fact you are helpless, as you watch someone you love fade away. You just wish and pray for a peaceful and dignified end. We wonder why it has come to this. Could we of done more? The answer is no, because we tried but alcoholics need to want to change. If only they had reached out for help, then would it of been a different outcome? Of course it would, and I wish with all my heart that they had done so. I have not written this post to cause anxiety to you Linz, nor to anyone else, but hope that it will make a difference, and encourage you to seek help and support. Please don't leave it to chance thinking it cannot happen to you. I know that you can do this Linz, and I speak for myself when I say you can certainly overcome the hold alcohol has on you. I did myself, after years of heavy binge drinking and there really is a life after booze. My regret is that I didn't do it sooner. My partner was a binge drinker and without doubt a functioning alcoholic. He became ill with acute pancreatitis and was taken into hospital. During his stay, scans revealed he had cirrhosis. He was told by the consultant that he had to stop drinking or it would kill him. He did so from that day forward, as did I, and it's been 8 years for both of us alcohol free. Go for it Linz, and contact your GP as soon as possible. Don't say tomorrow that you will do it the following day, as the next day will turn into another tomorrow and so on. I promise you will not regret it and neither will your loved ones. My apologies if I have upset or scared anyone, as that is not my intention. I can't put into words how we feel for our loved one, and the tragic waste of life. My partner and I were the lucky one's, and are proof that you can enjoy life much more without alcohol being a big part of it. So, do what you can to help yourself. I wish anyone struggling with alcohol hope, strength, and good health. Take care.

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