Well, firstly my thanks to those who have offered support! It is a daunting thing to get head around, F3 Fibrosis! But, there is hope on horizon. Have had a letter from hospital specialist, apparently I do stand a good chance of improving my score, am also seeing GP next week to look at blood test results and organise a firm plan of action.
Still abstinent, strangely enough, I have very little urge to drink, I have done this by telling myself, if totally desperate can have one drink - but later, so making it less relevant, I can’t be bothered now, now, if I could kill the dammed itch! I would be a happy camper, but the itch is less strong, have been taking Milk Thistle tabs & they do seem to help a little.
Only other thing is; have started sweating a lot? So will be on my ‘pick Drs brain’ list. One thing is for certain, don’t want to go thru this again, so going back to being teetotal, I never used to drink at all, never want to drink again if this is what happens when I stop 🛑 it will be better to not start again.
Sorry about the ramble, but any hints and tips for getting thru these times is gratefully accepted.