"minimal coarse echotexture of liver "... - British Liver Trust

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"minimal coarse echotexture of liver " - Ultrasound. LFT is normal. Does anyone know if it's reversible?

Concernedalways profile image
39 Replies

I never drank alcohol, never smoked, never took drugs, never had hepatitis, not obese.

LFT is normal yet I'm concerned 😟. Is course echotexture of liver reversible? Please share your experience. Thank you so much.

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Concernedalways profile image
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39 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

It sounds like you need further tests and a discussion with your doctor.

They need to identify why you have this change in your liver - only by identifying what has caused your liver to become coarse can you either get it treated or make lifestyle changes that might help.

You definitely need to ask about staging of this condition (i.e. do you need a fibroscan to stage the fibrosis?), do you need a liver biopsy to see what has gone on at a cellular level?

My hubby was diagnosed with cirrhosis out of the blue, he was a fit and healthy bloke, never smoked, never drank, no tattoos, no unhealthy lifestyle issues. His condition was found to be auto immune hepatitis - his own immune system had attacked his liver.

I hope you get some answers from your doctor very soon.


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you for your reply.How's your husband doing? Did he have any symptoms before the diagnosis?

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Concernedalways

Unfortunately his AIH never gave any symptoms and it wasn't until he was diagnosed with decompensated cirrhosis when we checked the BLT site we could tick off a great many of the early symptoms of cirrhosis. His doctor had previously told him some of his symptoms were related to stress and anxiety because he was caring for his Dad who had alzheimers/dementia.

BLT page about cirrhosis at:- britishlivertrust.org.uk/in...

I am not saying you've reached this stage yet but coarse echo texture perhaps presents some degree of fibrosis.


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

Thanks for your reply. I hope your husband will be ok. 🙏

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Concernedalways

He's stable just now.

Push for answers from your doctors.


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

Glad he's doing well, Katie. Yes, I'll contact the doctor tomorrow.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Concernedalways

Are you under a hospital consultant? If not then you need to be referred to (at minimum) a gastroenterologist but better still a hepatologist (liver consultant).


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

Due to covid, couldn't contact. I hope I'll get more clarification about it. I'll contact the doctor tomorrow. Thanks for replying 🙂

Allystar profile image
Allystar in reply to Concernedalways

Good luck i hope your husband is OK? Its very hard when you having abused your body, yet this happens,

Jaygee87 profile image

I had the same as yourself on my last ultrasound scan. I was told slight irregular contour which I think is similar to yourself. I got told it was borderline cirrhosis and then my next scan next month will give more indication of whether its turned to full cirrhosis or not.

Please press for more answers as its very difficult getting information out of consultants sometimes.

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to Jaygee87

Did you have any symptoms? Were you asked to do a LFT?

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Concernedalways

Liver Function Tests are routine, however, you can get spells when even with full on cirrhosis you can have normal/near normal LFT's.

When the liver is actively under attack you can get elevations of the liver inflammation markers but once the liver reaches as stage where it is isn't under attack and yet is coping with damage then liver markers can be fairly normal.

If the liver starts to struggle then you'll see elevations or even drops in some of the other enzymes and chemicals which the liver takes to do with regulating such as bilirubin, creatine, serum sodium, albumin etc. At this stage the liver gets labelled as decompensated and bloods 'deranged'.

My hubbies liver was initially decompensated with deranged bloods but as it stabilized/compensated bloods were near normal across the board. His AIH is deemed 'burned out', it may have been a drug induced liver injury (due to prescription tablets) in the past that caused his auto immune response but in his case the AIH is no longer active but it's left it's damage behind.

This is all why you need to see a specialist and why you will need further tests to see if they can ascertain WHY you have coarse liver texture.

Push for that referral.


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

Thanks for replying, Katie Totally freaked out now

What prescription tablets did your husband take before the AIH?

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Concernedalways

He was prescribed repeated courses of an antibiotic for acne but it was ages before his diagnosis and has never formally been attributed to his cirrhosis but it's more than likely that was his trigger.

Do you think you've been on something that might have cause a drug induced liver injury? The one that crops up most often on the AIH page is Nitrofurantoin given continuously for uti's (it is a well known trigger for AIH).


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

No, had covid 19 last month, don't know if it's because of covid. Very worried

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Concernedalways

It says mimimal coarse echo texture so hopefully that's at the least severe end of things as I said earlier on it's why you need further tests to ascertain at what stage your liver is at. It could be that this is mild fibrosis with no ongoing inflammation in which case it may not get worse. If they can identify the cause then anything up to full blown cirrhosis is deemed potentially reversible.

Don't stress till you have the full picture and even then stressing doesn't help. You just have to get on with living life.


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

Thanks Katie You're right. I'm going to the doc as soon as possible to figure everything out.

Along with minimal coarse echotexture he left a question mark in front of it.

I just hope it's reversible.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Concernedalways

The covid link may need examining. There is evidence that Covid-19 and/or it's treatment are leading to some degree of liver damage in some patients. Hepatic involvement in COVID-19 could be related to the direct cytopathic effect of the virus, an uncontrolled immune reaction, sepsis or drug-induced liver injury.

These are all investigations that need done.

Best wishes, Katie

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to AyrshireK

I'll let you know when I get the other results. 🙂

Jaygee87 profile image
Jaygee87 in reply to Concernedalways

No symptoms. I had to do LFTs and also fib 4 bloods and ELF test. My ALT was high when it was done in December but not had one since then.

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to Jaygee87

Did the doctor say it's reversible?

Jaygee87 profile image
Jaygee87 in reply to Concernedalways

As far as ive read once its gone to cirrhosis its non reversible. Ive read if its got irregular contour then its cirrhosis regardless of the bloods. I'm only 33 so it's quite scary really but ive accepted the worst. We will see what my next scan brings. My consultant isn't the best, so if its cirrhosis I'll be asking to transfer to someone else.

Have you been told if you will have another scan or bloods soon?

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to Jaygee87

No. I went for a lower abdomen ultrasound, the "coarse echotexture " was found by chance. I've decided to talk to the doctor regarding this and I'm not sure if it's a post covid complication. I just hope it's reversible. Hey,the liver is a wonderful organ, it can repair itself. Your case must be temporary. Eat healthy and exercise.

If you don't mind ,do let me know about your test results.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Jaygee87

Not necessarily true, on the BLT page about cirrhosis they now acknowledge that advances in treatments and increasing knowledge even some stages of cirrhosis are deemed reversible. Until recently, it was thought that a liver with cirrhosis could not be healed. This is usually the case because most diseases that cause scarring of your liver (fibrosis) are long-term and difficult to ‘cure’.Making lifestyle changes and cutting alcohol out of your diet may help delay progression.

Many causes of liver disease can now be treated much more successfully than before to stop or at least slow down any decline in the condition of your liver.

Hi Your story is so similar to mine .

I’ve never smoked , drank exercise and very healthy weight .

I had pain in my chest and exhausted and stomach problems and the gp treated me for irritable bowel and anxiety for a long time but it never got better so they sent me to upper Gi and they did a gastroscopy urgently and it showed portal hypertension in my stomach and liver .

I’d never even heard of this and was so shocked .

3 days after that they did a ct with contrast and that showed liver damage and 6 days after that an mri with contrast which was last Sunday .

I rang yesterday but the secretary said they weren’t just ready to be viewed .

I’ve decided to enjoy this weekend and try and push the worry away .

Try and do that if you can and enjoy the weather .

I’ve just read what Katie has wrote and I’ve had those antibiotics and also a strong prescription of co codamol for bursitis and frozen shoulder because of a dancing injury . You think of allsorts when you don’t understand .

Take care

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to

How did they describe the liver damage? And did you do some sort of tests? Is it reversible?

in reply to Concernedalways

They didn’t . They said that a mri scan was a deeper scan to see what’s going on

in reply to Concernedalways

Sorry I’ve had a look at what I wrote down and my ct scan said liver disease .Also my bloods have now shown liver in the normal range .

I just don’t understand

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to

You should talk to the doctor, some damages are reversible if I'm right. So they'll be able to guide or explain to you on what lifestyle changes you should make.

in reply to Concernedalways

I’m waiting for my mri results to come back . I keep a healthy diet and exercise , never drank or smoked so I don’t know what else I can do with that .

They haven’t said what liver disease I have yet .


Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to

I hope you'll be able to sort it out, whatever it is. I have the same issue as you, never drank, smoked, not obese, I'm a vegetarian, what else other than that...jeez!Keep in touch! Thanks for replying 🙂

in reply to Concernedalways

I’ll let you know what they say about the mri . Did you have symptoms ?

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to

Actually I went for a pelvic ultrasound. Not for liver. Just found about this coarse echotexture by chance.

in reply to Concernedalways

Hope you get some answers too . I’m wondering if they will scan you too .

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to

Thanks. Yeah maybe I'll have to go for the mri too.

Fuggs profile image

Have you checked out heavy metals? Mercury can be devastating at cellular and especially mitochondria level. It turned out I had very high levels of Mercury, aluminium (antiperspirents etc) Berilium, lead, arsenic. Took me ages to get rid of them and my Drs never had a clue.

Concernedalways profile image
Concernedalways in reply to Fuggs

Gosh what test is it? I just did the lft and cbc

idyllic420 profile image
idyllic420 in reply to Fuggs

Is it ok to eat farm raised Salmon?

Fuggs profile image
Fuggs in reply to idyllic420

In my opinion, having studied the results of cage fish farming, I would give it to my dogs....Nor would I eat high food chain fish, predator fish such as Tuna, Swordfish, shark etc, they tend to absorb a lot of heavy metals from the food chain below them. I would only ever eat fresh Atlantic salmon. Check out bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-...

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