My husband is going into hospital tomorrow for an iron infusion. He is very fatigued, sleeping most of the day. He is also very cold. Presumably the infusion should help with these symptoms. How soon should we see any results?
Iron infusion : My husband is going into... - British Liver Trust
Iron infusion

The iron infusion may help a little with the fatigue if he is really anaemic and he may feel slighty better in himself but unfortunately the feeling of coldness and the bulk of his fatigue is down to his underlying liver condition.
I've had two iron infusions over the past three weeks and I do feel so much more like my old self. My anemia (due to a stomach bleed called GAVE Disease...likely as a result of Portal Hypertension and stage 3 or 4 liver disease) had taken all my iron. I was sleeping 14-18 hours at a time, fatigued, brain fogged and constantly bundled in blankets and layered clothing. My iron saturation started at a 5 in late Jan and is now at a 31. I tried taking iron pills under the direction of my Hematologist, however they were slow to build, caused constipation, didn't agree with my stomach, etc.
I begged to try an iron transfusion and had my first one April 7 and a second one on the 15th. For me, the feeling of finally being 'heard and validated' about my overwhelming fatigue and symptoms helped me emotionally and mentally, though the days following the first infusion were still hit or miss. The energy I expected DID NOT happen overnight. However, by the time, I had my second infusion, I could start to tell a difference. I was sleeping less, no longer breathless when walking (seemed to help a lot with oxygen restoration through my body) and I was regaining stamina. It took a good week again after infusion 2 with some good/bad days mixed in, but now, I am so much better. Though I certainly can tell a difference, it has been my co-workers and family who have recognized positive changes in my moods, conversation and the fact I look and present myself as more balanced. Hopefully your husband will experience the same outcome over the next few weeks! Please keep us posted.