Advice or words of wisdom welcome - British Liver Trust

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Advice or words of wisdom welcome

13 Replies

Morning peeps. I'm new to this so please excuse me if I'm a bit vague or completely off track. Around October last year I went to the Dr as my pulse rate was constantly racing and had no idea why. I was sent for an ECG which came back fine but nothing had changed with regards to my pulse. I asked to see my GP and, after finally getting an appointment, had blood tests done. The next week I was asked to go back for more test as they had come back showing that I had a high iron count. No explanation or concern at the time, just checking that the tests were accurate. Anyway I went home and looked online at reasons for this and then it hit me. I've been a heavy drinker for years. Most of my adult life if I'm honest. I would drink most days and could easily finish at least a bottle of red wine if not more. I then started looking at signs of ALD and found that my palms were red (not sure if they have been all my life as I've never really thought about it) and I had those little red veins on my cheeks. Those I've had since a child so didn't really pay any attention to them until now. I had no other signs or symptoms that I could pinpoint. The second lot of tests came back the same so I was referred to the hospital. I went to that appointment yesterday. I had countless more blood tests done and am expecting the results next week, although never thought to ask whether the hospital or my GP will give them to me.

Back to the beginning again, I stopped drinking daily as soon as I looked up the reason for the high iron levels and decided that I'd just drink on a Friday and Saturday and see if that made a difference. After yesterday's appointment I decided not to drink, despite my weekly delivery of wine having been delivered yesterday.

I'm not delusional and accept that this is something that I've done to myself from years of drinking, however I just don't know what to do next while I'm waiting for the most recent tests to come back.

I am able to talk to my partner about this but don't want to speak with family for fear of worrying them.

So really, the point of this is, this is the first site I've found where people are open, honest and not judgemental and will be bothering you all quite a bit once I've had my results and know where this is going.

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13 Replies

Completely forgot to mention, I also take medication for chronic pain, high blood pressure and gout. I've reduced the pain meds as much as I can tolerate, including my daily full dose of paracetamol which I've taken for about 8 years. Also forgot to mention that my liber function test that was done with my second lot of bloods came back normal. And this is why I'm a bit confused and don't know what to do. Sorry

Kji378 profile image


Well done for posting on here. There will be plenty of people that giv you some advice and say Hello to welcome you.

From what you have written. Dr Google is a scary 😱 thing. I wouldn't jump to conclusions, because I have done exactly the same with Googling things and ended up thinking I had alsorts or was going to have one ear mysteriously dropping off. • So facts first from the professionals, not Dr Google strongly recommended....but hey, we all do it 😊

One tiny question are you asthmatic use steroid inhalers? Reason being is that Ventolin/Salbutamol (which is not steroid) increases pulse rate and can cause the thin thread veins. Some asthma medications are. *( I am asthmatic amongst other things, so I'm allowed to say this).* If not forget that last paragraph.

While you are waiting for the results, how about writing down a list of questions to ask the GP and put your concerns to them,

I'd hang on in there, possibly reduce the alcohol if you can, especially regarding the gout. Ouchy! Do you use cool ice packs in tea towels etc? I'm not sure if you mean the Chronic pain you have is regarding gout or something else.

If your Liver tests have come back normal I would try to be patient. But keep on the ball. I'm sorry I can't help much more. Stay safe, stay strong and up and at ' em.

☆ ~ Take good care ☆ ~ 😊

in reply to Kji378

Firstly, I wish I'd realised that I hadn't sent the last reply before I logged off as I wouldn't be typing this again now. Lesson learned. Thanks for the reply. As you say, Dr Google is indeed a s###.

I'm quite lucky as I'm a kins of glass half full guy, which is probably not the best way of describing it considering, but hey ho.

I take my pain meds for lower back pain. I have herniated disks, a narrowing of the spinal canal and, just to top it off, a slight curvature of the spine, which is one of the excuses I've used for drinking as much as I did. The gout is painful but it's under control as long as I take the meds for that as well. Yes I rattle but I figure that, if it allows me to live a normal life then it's worth it.

Now I'm not asthmatic however I do occasionally use a blue inhaler for my chest. I found that my pulse slowed down when I didn't drink so think that's the reason it was like it was.

I've had a couple of glasses of wine this evening which I'm sure some people will think is silly considering, however my way of dealing with things is to say goodbye to things, which is why I've done it. I've accepted that, after this evening, I won't be drinking for some time if ever and I'm happy to accept that now.

Anyway, I could ramble on for ever but I won't bore you. I will say thanks again though for responding. It means a lot to not be judged for something that, realistically, I could have prevented myself.

Take care and stay safe x

Kji378 profile image
Kji378 in reply to

Half full is a very good way of explaining it....good for you 😃I'm out of my league in the Orthopedic side of things. I have Osteoporosis and at the moment touch wood am ok. So I can not comment with regards to your situation. I'm pretty sure there is a forum on Healthunlocked for it.

Anyway you are asking about ALRD so other help will be along soon I suspect.

As always you can try calling the helpline.

Just wait for some more news from your GP? Don't beat yourself up either. It's good to talk.


mantana profile image
mantana in reply to

> As you say, Dr Google is indeed a s###.

I think not scary enough.

It always amazes me that people with broken liver, an organ which is so vital for our lives, ignore the facts that their life will surely end soon (few years max!) if they continue to damage their liver even further.

"My liver function is only 20%, so I've decided to drink only on Saturday and Sunday, great me!"

"All my blood tests are beyond norms, so I'm giving up vodka, and will only drink beer and wine!"

in reply to mantana

Maybe I should have said, when I originally had the results my Dr told me it was nothing to worry about. Between that, knowing that Google can make you believe that your leg is dropping off because it's itching and the 4 month wait to get to see someone about it (I know - we're in the middle.of a pandemic) I tended to believe what he said. I don't expect everyone to agree with me or the way I've handled this and that's fine. I'm sat in my kitchen and have just counted 10 bottles of wine on my rack. I have no interest in drinking these and it mat be that they sit here for years until I give them away or, in the case that it really was nothing to worry about like my Dr told me, albeit highly unlikely, I may drink moderately and very occasionally having learned a very hard lesson.

in reply to mantana

I'm sorry but your response has been niggling at me so I'm afraid I'm going to have to respond like I wish I had originally. Firstly, as I have stated, I am aware what I have done to myself and don't need you to make sure that it's hammered home as you have.

Secondly, the non judgmental attitude I thought I'd found on here clearly goes out of the window where you're concerned.

I didn't post on here for sympathy as I'm sure I made perfectly clear originally and, because of your response, I definitely won't be posting on here again. Thanks to your comments you have made someone feel very unwelcome which means that, that someone, will be trying to find another group to get information from. Maybe you can think about others before making comments on posts in the future.

TBSW profile image
TBSW in reply to

Hi, I hope you get some answers soon. I was just wondering if you have ever tried, celery seeds for your gout. I only ask this, as my husband was having a particularly bad flare up around 10 years ago, and nothing was touching it, and he's not one for taking pain relief, no matter how bad it gets. Anyway I googled remedies for gout and celery seeds came up, now I'm no hippy, and normally prefer prescription drugs to herbal remedies, but I ordered some anyway as I thought something was better than nothing. My husband was also sceptical when I gave them to him, but within 4 hours of taking the first one, his gout was subsiding, and to this day he swears by his daily dose, and it also means it's one less pharmaceutical drug that he needs to take. It will certainly be better for your liver than NSAIDS

in reply to TBSW

Good morning. I've never heard of this but will be looking into it today and giving it a try.

I take allopurinol for my gout and this is the one medication I've not messed with because of the pain of a flare up, as I'm sure you will understand from seeing your husband suffer with his.

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to this thread and thank you so much.

Stay safe x

Just a quick update. I've spoken with the hospital this morning and all my results have come back absolutely fine. I'm feeling very lucky indeed and have learned a very hard lesson. Never will I ever put myself in that position again. Thanks for those who gave words of encouragement and positivity. I really do appreciate it. Stay safe all x

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to

Good to see you got good results back. Also, great that you posted an update, some of us wonder what happens when dr gets back, but we never know.

It's also great that you didn't leave, despite feeling " put off" . Maybe you'll stick around to encourage other people who find themselves in a similar situation to yourself. All the best😀

in reply to CarpeDiem11

Thank you. I was more upset, which most definitely isn't like me, but decided not to do anything in a hurry which is why I though it would be good to post an update. I'll most definitely stick around, if for nothing else, to be able to hopefully give a little bit of hope to someone who finds themselves in the same position as I have. Apart from the obvious everyone has been lovely and accepting, exactly how I saw it initially.Thanks 😊

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to

Yes, it's always good to step away & take time to post. I do it myself. Not everyone has the same approach to someone's problems, & sometimes people post but what they say isn't what they meant etc etc. Even if people don't respond to your posts, many will still find them helpful. There are a lot of readers who don't post, so your posts could benefit many more than you realise. Wishing you all the best 😀

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