Newly diagnosed with NAFLD: Hi everyone... - British Liver Trust

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Newly diagnosed with NAFLD

Ldstaffnurse profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone

Finally after months of trying to work out what was making me so tired and lots of upper abdo pain I have been diagnosed with NAFLD. I had a scan of my gallbladder which found an enlarged liver with fatty diffuse. Have had numerous blood tests and the results came back (non alcoholic fatty liver fibrosis score -4.297) I was also told I have raised cholesterol, I’m prediabetic and have pre hypertension.

Firstly can anybody tell me what score means? And secondly what do I do now? My GP literally said well you need to lose some weight! I’m not daft I know that but I’m scared and I don’t know how bad it is.

Thanks in advance for any advice

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Ldstaffnurse profile image
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10 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Sorry I can't help with working out what the score you've been given means but even all the way up to early cirrhosis the liver has the ability to heal. So there are things you can do to help your liver recover. If you haven't discovered it yet then the British Liver Trust has a page all about Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver and what you can do to help it. - the whole website is a gold mine of information for those living with liver disease and is well worth a good look through.

All the best, Katie

Ldstaffnurse profile image
Ldstaffnurse in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you I have been avidly reading from that link it is really informative 😊

Jojochr profile image

I was diagnosed last april with more or less exactly the same symptoms and causes. Phone you GP and ask him to explain the score, I couldn't figure it out with google 🤦🏻‍♀️. I also had an elf score which I understood better. I did really well loosing weight over the first lock down and that really helped me feel better and I hadn't even lost as much as I need to. Unfortunately I have put half of it back on again over Christmas and the next lock down. First time around I followed advice on here for Mediterranean diet and 1 hour walk a day. I am back on it this week!

Ldstaffnurse profile image
Ldstaffnurse in reply to Jojochr

Thank you for your reply, I really want to lose the weight but I am on Lithium to control my bipolar disorder and it’s main side effect is increased appetite and weight gain!! I’ve been taking it for 3 years and gained 4 stone in the first year so I’m terrified weight loss is going to be either mon existent or that slow it doesn’t happen.

Jojochr profile image
Jojochr in reply to Ldstaffnurse

My friend had the same problem with lithium. She had some weight loss success with distraction techniques, planning activities to keep her busy. Such as drawing, reading, long baths, walking, she tried knitting and cross stitch but didn't like them. Might be worth a try x


There are several specific fibrosis blood tests, we would suggest it is important to clarify which this is and discuss the results with the doctor that ordered them. The results will inform the follow up.

If you are in the UK and would like to have a general chat to our nurses on the helpline please call 0800 652 7330 10am to 3pm but we would suggest to clarify your results with your doctor first.

Ldstaffnurse profile image
Ldstaffnurse in reply to

Thank you for replying, I have made an appointment with my GP and pre warn d them I have questions I need answers to.

Sandie19 profile image

I was diagnosed with NAFLD some months ago. Like you, I was really worried about what it would mean going forward, and like you I was told to lose weight. I joined the Liver Trust's virtual support group which has been really helpful as it's shown me that my liver condition can be managed, and that there are ways to help myself such as eating more healthily and taking exercise regularly. I've lost over a stone in weight too. Most of all, I'm learning to look on the bright side a bit more. I'd recommend joining the support group.

Ldstaffnurse profile image
Ldstaffnurse in reply to Sandie19

Thank you for replying I will find the support group it sounds like something I need right now 😊

Sandie19 profile image
Sandie19 in reply to Ldstaffnurse

Here"s the link to register for the British Liver Trust virtual support group(s). Good luck!

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