Thanks to everyone who responded to my last post re going to Leeds to transplant unit.
When we were there we spoke to a specialist alcohol nurse who said my husband shouldn't be using anything with alcohol in it. She mentioned sweets, gels etc. Since being hospitalized a year ago he hasnt drunk any alcohol and hasnt wanted to.
Over the last few weeks hes been having really painful shoulders and back and so has been using Fenbid gel that you rub in to relieve the pain. Hes found this to be quite effective. However Fenbids apparently got alcohol in it as well as ibuprofen which is apparently bad for the liver. Just wondering if anyone knows of any alternative to Fenbid or anyone who has also had this problem? Hes been told he can have 1 paracetamol very occasionally. Hes got a telephone appointment with his gastroenterologist next week.