At a loss of what to do.: Afternoon all... - British Liver Trust

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At a loss of what to do.

lyn3 profile image
3 Replies

Afternoon all, So what am i at a loss about you may ask.

So as i mentioned recently hubby hasnt been too good. So the past week, hes been out of bed just the once in the week, he tried coming down yesterday afternoon but was in too much pain, I checked on him every hour ,sometimes he was sleeping, sometimes just laying there in so much pain he couldnt speak or move.

His pain is one minute in his middle part of his stomach and some times in the lower stomach. He says hes hungry but darent eat because it either makes him sick or makes him feel sick. Hes not touched a drop of alcohol for the week for the very same reason hes not been able to eat. I rang the out of hours with my concerns and they refused to talk to me about him until they had spoken to him ,she spoke to him and she wanted the medical team to ring him back within 2 hours, he told her he didnt need to speak to a medical ( just listening to his voice, and what i told her would surely send alarm bells of how ill he really is),, she asked him to touch his chest and asked if it was hot to touch, he was confused about that and she said your wife said you have a heart condition, i said no such thing , his heart wasnt even mentioned. He said he just wanted to go to sleep. So she said are you sure, he said yes i just want to sleep, so i said loud enough for her to hear, i can always talk to them and she said they will only speak to you (meaning hubby).. she said ok so will you promise me you will see your gp first thing? he said yes and she said ok take care and hung up.

He told me this morning he felt better and didnt need to see the dr but thanked me for caring..I had to go to a funeral this morning and when i came back i checked on him and he is still in alot of pain, Wont let me ring the drs or amubulance (he wont speak to them or let them check him over if they called) after trying to speak to him, he said i just want to be left alone , hes not just in pain hes also very depressed , he usually cries when he is depressed but hes not even crying now, just can see and hear it in his voice. Im sat here in tears at a loss on what to do..

I have written a letter to the dr explaining whats been going on the last week , The list of his symptoms and how he just seems to detirorate , and how i believe hes not just got fatty liver like they been telling him the last 4 years hes got.Ive handed that in the drs this morning. Not sure if they will ring me today or tomorrow or even at all. But i just dont know what im to do. Just feeling helpless at the moment.

Thank you for reading..


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3 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

I'd be tempted to phone 999 for an ambulance, owing to abdominal pain for which there can be many reasons - ok he has liver disease but that doesn't eliminate more serious issues such as aneurysms, pancreas issues or any manner of other things. He needs to be admitted to hospital and you might get more joy getting him to see the liver issues more clearly if - especially - he goes in their sober (albeit just because he can't tolerate booze just now).

Obviously there is more going on than just fatty liver and I know you haven't been best served to date with the medical profession but hubby is seriously poorly just now and i'd bypass GP's and out of hours and get him into hospital where he can be thoroughly examined.



Katie is right, your husband needs a proper medical review. He may well be frightened about how he is feeling and what he might be told but at the end of the day he cannot carry on like he is. It is such a difficult situation for you to be in, I do hope that you have good support for yourself.


lyn3 profile image
lyn3 in reply to

Ty katie and admin for replying and helpful answers. Its not just the drs that are being that way, the hospital is the same, the last time (he wasnt as bad as he is) the dr sent him up the hospital to be admitted and they send him back home saying his liver and everything else is fine. I obviously wasnt happy and so i wrote to his gp stateing how not happy i was about it all and he had bloods organised and a scan ,he examined himself and said that his liver was enlarged hench the bloods and scan being done, thats when fatty liver was mentioned again (seems you can drink for 4 years on a fatty liver and still only have a fatty liver).So an update on hubby and the letter i wrote and i had a phone call yesterday saying that the drs has referred him to the stomach consultant and he wants him to have bloods done on Friday. Hubby seems to have perked up a little bit but i know that its all show so he thought i had left it but he didnt know about the letter i wrote, its a bit like when your child is very very ill ,you take them to the drs and they play and seem to perk up a bit and it looks like you have over reacted, well thats how hubby is, i can tell just by looking at him and his voice that something is still going on,So will see what the blood results come back as , and when hes been to see the stomach consultant and will go from there.

Its exausting and hard work alot of the time, im just greatful for you guys and that im still able to get out and take a break.

Hope your all coping especially with the new lock down rules..Take care..


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