I have no dark urine unless I haven’t been drink water. I do not drink alcohol. Got tested a couple weeks ago for hepatitis. No abdominal pains. Help?! I’m worried
Jaundice????: I have no dark urine... - British Liver Trust

Hi tonytim
Please have a look at the “Related Posts” next to yours - you will see lots of people asking exactly as you have...In, I believe, nearly all cases the answers are almost always the same:-
- Those eyes aren’t jaundiced- if you have to ask then they aren’t because there is no doubt about it when they truly are jaundiced.
- We aren’t supposed to give advice on here and certainly not from a photo.
- You need to see your doctor.
All of these replies apply to you also, I’m sorry to say 😕.
But I do wish you luck, of course, and hope your fears can be allayed by seeing a doctor, or, in these horrible times, at least by talking to a doctor.
Hi Tony,
We appreciate you are worried.
However, as Miles has said on this thread, no one on the forum is medically qualified to assess jaundice. We would suggest that you speak with your own doctors who are appropriate to help.
For info, here is the NHS webpage on jaundice
Best wishes.
Look on my post from a while back, I have the exact same issue. The corners and underside of my eyes are yellow.
As you don’t drink I would cancel out any thoughts whatsoever about jaundice. There are multiple reasons you can have yellow segments in your eyes. Have you only just noticed them? Your eyes could genuinely naturally be like that.
I’m very health anxious and you might be the same. However I drink quite heavily so there’s a chance mine might be an issue. As for you, I honestly wouldn’t worry about it. Only way to tell for sure it to go to your GP and get a blood test which will check you liver levels.
In genuinely jaundiced eyes you don't need to go lifting eye lids to see it and I totally agree there can be many reasons for having bits of yellow in the eyes - sometimes it's just a trick of the light which is why we arn't allowed to offer comment on photographs on the forum.
However Uplight99, i've got to slightly disagree with your comment that a non drinker doesn't need to have any thoughts about having jaundice because jaundice and liver disease isn't restricted to those who drink - there are all manner of none alcohol related liver diseases. My husband as an example is life long tea-total and yet presented with decompensated cirrhosis (and jaundice) back in 2012 - his condition is due to auto immune hepatitis.
Totally agree that Tonytim needs to take this up with his doctor and get appropriate tests.
I’ve tried to post a photo of my jaundiced eyes but don’t seem able. Trust me, the entire whites of my eyes are unmistakably yellow. Current bilirubin is 274 (upper normal level is 20). Mine caused by an antibiotic and not alcohol abuse. Do see your doctor if you’re worried and cut down on drinking if it’s causing you concern about your health.