A little self care does no harm - British Liver Trust

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A little self care does no harm

45 Replies

For those days when things are tough!'

45 Replies

Love this! thanks Trish :)

in reply to

It's my pleasure ! 🙂

P13jne profile image

Great advice Trish, xxx

mattymoo33 profile image

Going to Cornwall on Saturday, so will do all of those. Thanks honey, hope you do all of them 🤗xx

in reply to mattymoo33

Have a wonderful time Matty with lots of fun.

I'm off to stay at Woodsprings Priory with my family tomorrow for a long weekend. No tv or wifi 😱 You must look it up on the web... its ghostly . It's a Landmark Trust Property near Western Supermare ! I know I wont be walking around in the middle of the night as usual 🤣🤣

mattymoo33 profile image
mattymoo33 in reply to

Oh I love a Landmark Trust house. Think they're all spooky! We've stayed at a few. Favourite Saddel House, Scotland. Apparently the video for Mull of Kintyre was filmed on the beach. Let me know how you get on!! 👀🥺

in reply to mattymoo33

We too adore Landmark properties! Last year we stayed at West Blockhouse in Pembrookshire which was in a fabulous location plus there was a beautiful private white sandy beach just a few minutes walk along the cliff edge!

I'll send you the names of the other locations later as I'm a little busy colouring pixies with my granddaughter !


in reply to mattymoo33

PS I've not mentioned the male friendly ghost who others have said sits around in the lounge through the night to my family...lol

mattymoo33 profile image
mattymoo33 in reply to

Oh Lordy, that sounds like fun. Hope he doesn't take a dislike to anyone!!🥺

in reply to mattymoo33

He's friendly so some of the stories say, anyway I wont be walking the corridors for the loo that for sure 🤣. My legs will be tightly crossed until daylight ! 🤣🤣

mattymoo33 profile image
mattymoo33 in reply to

Good plan. Don't drink after 5pm!! Enjoy.....🤭

in reply to mattymoo33

🤣🤣🤣! Agree

in reply to mattymoo33

Hi Matty

My daughter got engaged at the Appleton Water Tower ! They employed a chef to cook dinner and serve it at the top of the tower ! Beautiful photo's taken.

We've also stayed at

Ingestre Pavilion in Staffordshire

East Banqueting House

West Banqueting House and Almonry

Shelwick Court in Herefordshire

which had the most amazing timber ceiling

Queens Ann's Summer House

West Blockhouse

Well there are so many more beautiful places to visit as a family which are totally idea for my professional family to get that chance to de stress from there busy lives with no mobiles bothering them ! However they do go to the pub to pick up messages 👍

Enjoy your break as I just love Cornwall too!

Nighty nite

Love Trish

davianne profile image

Thanks Trish, for a lovely post.......just what I needed 👍


Mrs Brown - As Agnes would say "That's nice." 🙄

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Oh brilliant. I just love Mrs Brown's Boys. My Hubby came in with my dinner for me today and I said, Oh that's nice. He looked at me and said, Well what's the matter with it. I said nothing ,i only said that's nice. Then we both burst out laughing. He realised that I was only joking. ( Doing a Mrs Brown's clip. ) Agnes. Oh i could do with a laugh today!!

And this was it. 😁😁😁😁😁.Glo.

in reply to Gjkas

I'm glad Ofeck cheered your tough day up ! Mrs Brown's just a classic in my eye's! Fabulous tonic indeed ...

How's your daughter ?

in reply to Gjkas

Agnes Brown:

You've heard of Doctor Dolittle. There goes Doctor Do Feck All. 😜

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Hahaha. Oh Ofeck.😁😁😁😁😁😁

I think you might have met my Doctor. Not Dr Dolittle but.

Dr Fu.k .oops Feck All.

( Hey I'll be calling you Agnes if you keep this up ).

Nighty Night. Glo.

Gjkas profile image

Oh Trish. I've been and done something stupid. My Hubby had to go and have his INR checked today. While he was out i tried to sort some cupboards out.

But I had to lift some heavy stoneware kitchen items and now i can hardly bloody move. I don't know about Self Care,,but i must be Simple.

Oh gotta go, message on the answerphone, an Arctic Lorry have only been and hit my Daughter in law while she was getting out of the car.

It never rains but it pours..Will message you later. I hope.

Love & (((Hugs ))).Glo.xx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Gjkas

Oh my, Glo - hope she’s OK 🤞. And you as well...


Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to ThreeSmiles

Hi Miles. She's gonna be okay 🙏.

She had a dislocated shoulder and they said that she was lucky that she didn't lose her hand.If she had stepped out of the car she wouldn't be here with us now. . It was an Articulated Lorry that hit her. She was actually parked up and she had only opened the door about 3 inches,and Bang.

She's a Carer for the Elderly and just got back to the elderly lady's house after doing some shopping for her.

My Son ( her Husband ) have only just left our house. He was working in Tenby when the accident happened.

He's so pale and he's usually dark skinned like me.He looks absolutely dreadful. Must be shock. ???

I wasn't very well before all this happened. But now i feel so ill.

I feel absolutely drained .

Oh,i don't half feel like screaming .I think that I'll warn my Hubby in a minute that I'm gonna go out to the Kitchen and let out one big scream.

Honestly Miles I just feel like crying,I could break my Heart. I'm so very glad she's gonna be okay.👍 So why do i want to cry all the time. OOOH

Gotta go. Thanks for your kind words.


ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Gjkas

Oh Glo - please don’t get upset - although completely understandable 😕. Be relieved that it wasn’t worse - I know you are - and I am sure you’re in shock now just like your son is....Maybe a scream isn’t such a bad idea? I don’t know what more to say, but do hope you can get some sleep and it all feels a bit better in the morning. 🤞🤞.

Nite nite Glo.


in reply to ThreeSmiles

Lovely note to Glo !'

in reply to ThreeSmiles

Way to glo bro. 🙄

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Oh Ofeck. That message you sent me. Way to Glo .Remember the Film Ghost ,when Patrick Swayze was a Ghost on the platform with another Ghost. Patrick was trying to kick a can. When he eventually kicked the can,the other Ghost smiled and said.

Way to Go, Way to go...

Although he didn't say (Way to Glo )

It just jumped out at me.

Way to go Bro .Love from Glo.xx

OOOH,, you know what i mean.

I hope.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to ThreeSmiles

Thanks for your kind words Miles. It does help to know that people like you really do care.

She's gonna be okay,that's the main thing. She was so lucky not to have lost her hand .The car is a Complete right off .She's really shook up and crying all the time. She said that she's never gonna work on the 13th of the month again,even though it wasn't a Friday.

I did go out the kitchen and have a scream last night. Didn't get much sleep. Things kept going over and over in my mind.

But Hey. Today's another day. Gotta be better than yesterday ( I hope 🤞 )

My Son said that this is gonna be the most expensive Valentine's present she's ever had. A new car. A

But thanks Miles. When something like this happens,it's people like you that makes us feel like we're not going it alone 👍Love Glo.

Have a good Valentine's Day. x

in reply to Gjkas

Hi Glo

I did hear that scream of yours and I must say you have strong vocal cords 🤣

I'm pleased your daughter in laws ok and son too!

Hopefully the insurance company cough up quickly as there prone to be on the slow side! Will they pay out for a courtesy car?

Anyway keep screams as it does us all done good now and then😃.

More to the point hows your back after your lifting episode ???

Look forward to hearing from you later maybe but in the meantime here' s a hug

Love Trish ❤

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Ooh Trish. My Hubby keeps telling me that I've got strong Vocal Cords..

Yeah, my Daughter-in-law is gonna be okay 🙏thank God.

Don't look like the insurance company is gonna be paying out.

My Daughter-in-law had parked the car facing the oncoming traffic. She was parked the same way as a lot of the other cars. But they were parked facing the wrong way ???.

So they won't be having a Courtesy car either by the look of it.

My Sons Boss knows someone thats selling his car,but it has to be a quick cash sale, because the man selling the 'car is going abroad ,to do with his works. So 'we're trying to get the money together to help him out.

With one thing and another he looks worried to death. Love Him..

My Back and right shoulder is very painful. My own fault.

Im not sure if the pain in my right shoulder is to do with the Gallbladder problem or to do with the lifting yesterday. Could be a bit of both i suppose.

I'd love to be able to have a lie down. But if i lay down for long my legs get so stiff because of the Fibro..

Thanks for the Hug Trish ❤ and for being there for me. I do surely need it. Hope you can have a pain free

Valentine's Day.

Love & Hugs. Glo.xxxx

in reply to Gjkas

Hi Glo

Apologies for the delay in replying as was travelling down to Weston Super Mare to celebrate hubbies belated 70th with my son, daughter granddaughter and spouses!

Anyway less of me and more to the point I do hope your able to raise the funds to help your son and daughter in law purchase the car which right now must be a stressful situation for you all! It's a Valentine Day that you won't forget in a hurry!

Re your shoulder if it's no better in a few days maybe you should pop to see your GP! Can I ask do you suffer with any pins and needles or numbness in your fingers ? I'm only asking because I had carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands which caused shoulder discomfort and eventually both hand we're operated on very quicker. You mentioned your gallbladder, are you saying you've has your shoulder pain for some time prior to hurting your back yesterday. I dont remember any shoulder issues prior to my gallbladder being removed however we're all different so it could be related. Let's hope your discomfort can be sorted quickly as I think you have enough

things going on.

I'm also concerned that your not able to rest which I guess your crying out to do! So please try and find a way to get a few moments rest as you need it.

Glo I'm sending you good luck vibes as I must go right now to help unload my sons car who's just arrived. I will write again later as its pouring down and dark outside.

Loves you loads xxxx❤❤❤

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Hi Trish, don't apologize. I hope you all enjoyed your Hubby's Belated Birthday celebration.

Sure is a Valentine's Day we won't forget in a hurry. My Hubby and myself have been saving up for a downstairs washroom, so we said that we'd help them out for a new car. Not a Brand New one mind. 🚘.Hahaha..Oh, we gotta laugh Trish or else we'll cry. .I've done enough of crying in the last few years..

I've still got this horrible pain in my right shoulder. When I saw the Gastrointerologist he asked me if I had any pain in my right shoulder. I told him yes,and he said that sometimes when you get a bad Flairup to do with your Gallbladder it also affects your right shoulder.

The shoulder pain to do with the Gallbladder is at the back.

Under your right Shoulder Blade.

I am crying out to rest Trish and I am so tired. But until I take my sleeping tablets, i just don't sleep. Thats the only time that I can rest, when I'm asleep .But when i go to get up in the morning, i am so stiff. I can't walk on my own. It's because I've been in the same position for a couple of hours.

It's a b....y misery. I can't take any morning Appointments because of how I am..

You Take Care either loading or unloading the car,especially in the dark and when it's raining...

Nighty Night Trish.

Love & Hugs Glo.xxxx

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Gjkas

We’ll anew car is always nice but in better circumstances methinks....phew what anightmare for you all!

I forgot it was valentines until on the way to the Hospital this afternoon- wife said it doesn’t matter it has no religious significance! Who said romance is dead 😑

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to ThreeSmiles

Sure was a Nightmare Miles.

My Hubby and myself will help them out with another car 🚗.Not a Brand New one though. Hahaha

He'y never mind Valentine's Day, as long as you've got each other. That's the main thing ..I've got a special drawer upstairs in the chest of drawers in the spare bedroom ,where I keep all my memorabilia .

In the drawer I've got a Valentine Card that my Hubby bought me when we were courting in 1962.

On the front of the card is a Boy and Girl. When you open the card it says.

You know how , I know how,

But When..

Well my Mum saw it. She wasn't too happy about it. But I've kept it all these years. Every now and again I take the card out and have a chuckle about it.Its only a little card , but it means the world to me..

We don't bother with Valentine Cards anymore. Because we've still got each other after being together for 56 years.

You don't need a card to prove that romance isn't dead..

Hope you and your Wife have a lovely Valentine's evening..

Goodnight and Godbless to you both. Love Glo.xx..

in reply to Gjkas

On my goodness Glo ! Please do update me when you get a spare moment! In the meantime do take care of yourself and hope your daughter is not badly hurt !

Love Trish xxx

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Hi Trish. Oh what a horrible day. But at least my Daughter in law is gonna be okay🙏. She had a dislocated shoulder and they said that she was lucky not to have lost her hand.

She's a Carer for the Elderly and she'd just done a bit of shopping for one of her clients. She had only opened the door about 3 inches and she said she don't know what happened. But it was an Articulated lorry that hit her car. My Son ( her Husband ) was in Tenby working when the accident happened..

He does drug testing all over the place. He don't talk about his job. Their car is a right off. Its a good job that she hadn't stepped out of the car. She wouldn't have survived that .She's not having much luck. Her Mum passed away a few weeks before Christmas. But the main thing is that she's gonna be okay. I'm still shaking,

I didn't feel very well before that message came through. Then I just felt like I was gonna crumble.Its going right through me. What could have happened..My Son have just left here. He's as white as a ghost and usually he's quite dark skinned like me.

He looks ill and I'm worried about him.

He's got High Blood Pressure and he's been having pains in his chest for a while now, but won't go to the Doctors. OOOH my minds running wild again.

Tomorrow I'm gonna do what you said

if i can. A bit of Simple Self Care.

Goodnight Godbless Trish.

Thanks for being there.

. 😚. Love Glo.xx

in reply to Gjkas

Hi Glo

My goodness that's scary news about what could have happened to your daughter in law!'My fingers are crossed she'll be ok when her shoulders corrected and settled back into place.

I know exactly how your feeling about you son as I went through a similar situation with my son about 2 years ago! Chest and stomach pains!' However he did undergo full private investigations but nothing serious was found, however his social life's not a good one or should I say it involves business entertaining etc at least 4 or more days every week and he's already commented on discomfort under his right ribs👎

Hopefully your son will see sense in time and will see his GP

Well I wish you good night and pleasant dreams throughout your restful night.

Love Trish x

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Oh Thanks Trish.

Im gonna take my sleeping tablets and get myself off to bed. Had enough for one day..

Goodnigh, Sweet dreams Love Glo.xx

in reply to Gjkas

Gloeezy ,💤🙄

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Gloeezy. Hahaha. 😁😁😁😚

You're Great. You really make me laugh. That's just what i need right now. Thanks Ofeck.

(Or should i say Agnes ).

Love Glo.xx

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Thanks Trish. Only just read your message.

I don't know whether I'm coming or going with it all. My Daughter-in-law is gonna be okay,but she's in shock. Had a dislocated shoulder and they said that she was lucky not to have lost her hand. Got some bruising. But she's gonna be okay,thank God..

Im hurting like S...e but we'll get over it. I just feel like I wanna cry all the time.

Bit of depression and Anxiety with everything else that's going on i suppose.

Thanks once again Trish.

You really mean a lot to me.

Hope you're okay. It all seems to be about me. But you got your own problems. so you please take Care of yourself.

Love & (((( Hugs. )))) Glo.xxxx

in reply to Gjkas

Oh, Glo. I really hope your daughter in law is ok. Lots of love Lynne xxxx

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Hey ,Hi Lynne ,just saw your message.

Have messaged you on our other page.

Yeah our Daughter-in-law is gonna be okay. Thank God 🙏.

It's been really rough here for a while,but things have quietened down a bit now. But I've been in terrible pain

My Back,Stomach,Shoulder and head.

Perhaps the stress have made it all worse. I don't know. ????

Can't wait to take my Sleeping Tablets and get to Bed..It's been a heck of a long 2 days..

Will give Zoe a quick message and then im off to bed.

Hope your pain have eased up for you and you've had a good Valentine's Day

Goodnight Godbless Lynne.

Love & Hugs Glo xx.

in reply to Gjkas

Thank you. Pain not good. Oh well, always someone worse off than me. Xxxx

Cobwebs profile image

Am smothered in Lush Dream Cream so smell beautiful!

You did so right ! 😘 Its a fabulous feeling!

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