Good Morning all
I'm not proud to admit this!
This morning I was checking my medical box for some Strepsils as hubby's suffering with the dreaded man flu chesty cold bug which hubby's calling it!
Well I opened my medical box to find 3 box's of Strepsils! I gave Derek the opened box along with another saving him having to search for another box later. On my return to our bedroom Derek highlighted the expiry date of 2015 on both box's ! This was shocking news being a ex nurse.... lucky for me the 3rd box was in date until Sept 2020 ...phew......
Later today I shall be checking all other medication expiry dates from around the house!
Can anyone else say I'm not the only person to screw up here?
Shropshire Lass
The scary thing is what could have happened if he'd not checked thos medication date! Emmmmm! However bring an over the shelf purchase I'm guessing it wouldnt have done major harm but will definately check into this....