Vitamins and supplements: Hello, its... - British Liver Trust

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Vitamins and supplements

13 Replies

Hello, its 2 weeks yet until I see the GP, 27 days without alcohol but I have a reduced appetite this last week, not feeling particularly hungry.....believe me I am normally a gannet lol! But also trying to drop some weight...I am now 10lbs down since end of September, but I contribute that to not pushing an unrequired 700 or so calories down my neck in the form of wine each night.

So was wondering if anybody could advise me of a good vitamin or supplement that I could be taking for my benefit whilst I am waiting to see the GP. I wondered if just a decent multi vit would do +/- anything else.

Many thanks, hope you all have had a nice weekend x

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13 Replies

Hi DL,

Congratulations on doing so well abstaining from the alcohol!

It can be difficult to do so for so many that is for certain.

My husband who does have cirrhosis was prescribed both before diagnosis and after B1, B12, folic acid.

However, at least one poster here suggested that with some liver diseases one might have too much B12. So, hopefully your GP will be able to make best recommendations specifically for you.

I hope that you feel much better soon and receive the answers you seek!

in reply to

Thank you so much for that, I have a list as long as my arm to take to him when I go 9 Nov. I had heard that Lecithin is good so I am eating 2 hard boiled eggs each day - that isn't too much of a trial!

Hope your husband is comfortable, and my very best wishes to you x

in reply to

The Lecithin you mention sounds like something a relative of mine took for her eyesight. But, not sure. I'll look that up.

Eggs, I believe is a food that is okay for husband's condition. High protein things but not red meat at his end.

No Salt strongly urged.

Found peanut butter with no salt added.

A salt substitute with no sodium, too! Not that he likes salt but it's nice in some cooking.

Low sodium tuna in water.

Many seem to feel that fruits and vegetables are a really good idea. And, my husband is enjoying pineapple, in particular. Watermelon too.

The GP prescribed some liquid vitamin for my husband but the pharmacy didn't know what it was....

My spouse was having muscle injections of the B1 and B12 for some time. The oral versions are something that he can take now, instead, if he so chooses.

Anaemia/Anemia seems problematic at this end, too.

Thank you for the well wishes for my husband. He could be more comfortable but he is still better than he was a few months ago in most ways.

And, abstaining from alcohol can only help. He is doing well too!

in reply to

thank you again for your very informative reply. Luckily I don't eat salt, I don't even put in my cooking. I am trying to do a low carb high fat way of eating but have already found myself cutting down the fat side that I love lol!! x

LemongrassDays4U profile image

Hi there DL1962,

I agree in part with “veryworried_one” - fruits and vegetables should be an important element of your diet but I have also learnt over the years that a food can work well for one person and cause significant problems for someone else. Sadly. If you can get your “food profile” checked you’d be able to focus on the ones that can really help you rather than the ones that helped for someone else...we’re all different and we need to remember that. Best wishes to you while you work things out.

in reply to LemongrassDays4U

Thank you for your reply, and I understand fully. I may just get a multi vit to fill the gap between now and seeing GP and then ask him for more detail. My very best wishes to you x

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Well done on the abstaining, you should be really proud if yourself. That's a good idea on the multi vit until you see your Dr. Please take care of yourself Lynne

Cat-B profile image

Hi I’m prescribed Thiamine and Vit D and eat a more than my 5aday and plenty of protein and carbs, livers require a lot of energy to heal, so it’s not the best time to be deliberately trying to lose waste. Good luck

in reply to Cat-B

Thank you for your reply. I desperately need to lose weight (which my GP has previously told me), had my timings planned in accordance to starting this new programme which I actually started 4 weeks ago before I really had any "symptoms". I have been a yo yo dieter for many years, tried them all....the issue is I don't like the low fat diets but am currently settled on eating sensibly, lots of veg, and protein, more white meat than red, although I will have some later in the week.

I also have a hip pain, and I know that the first thing the GP will say about that is go away, lose some weight and if it is still problematic, come back after weight loss.

Hope you are having a good day, it is beautiful and sunny today x

Good afternoon,

Well done with your abstinence.

It is always wise to be cautious about taking vitamins/ supplements in the presence of liver disease. Some can do more harm than good - particularly the unregulated type from 'Health Food' stores. Please let your GP/medical team advise you on a) whether you need any additional vitamins and b) if yes - then let them prescribe them for you.

kind regards

in reply to

Thank you Trust5, I will heed your advice

Ughhhhhhh profile image

Hi! Congratulations on no alcohol! I find fresh pressed juicing to be extremely beneficial in getting a lot of nutrients in one glass-I use a slow juicer and daily juice spinach carrot beet and ginger in addition to what I’m in the mood for a second juice-I stick to 20% or less of fruit in my juices and I eat clean as well-unsalted raw organic nuts and quinoa play a big role in my diet as well-good luck and continuing healing❤️

in reply to Ughhhhhhh

Wow!! That is fabulous. My problem is I really don't like much in the way of vegetables. I do the right thing and buy them, then look at them and just heave. I have however just bought a tray of mediterranean veg to have with chicken this evening. That is a big tick for me!

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