Transplant carried out last night - British Liver Trust

British Liver Trust

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Transplant carried out last night

Dannythedog profile image
35 Replies

Hello all

My husband had his transplant last night, it was a very difficult operation, which lasted most of the night! He is critical at the minute, he lost so much blood that they replaced it again with same blood. He also needed 20 bags of blood. Sitting in intensive care now and praying 🙏 hard for a good outcome. Dr said if he bleeds again the liver will crash! They have him packed up with swabs and he will need to go to theatre again to get them removed. I’m so grateful to the donor and family for this chance but I’m terrified.

I hope whoever is waiting will get a call soon.


Geraldine ❤️

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Dannythedog profile image
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35 Replies
Smyally profile image

Geraldine such a nervous time for you. So pleased that your hubby got his call. Thinking of you both and wishing you the best of luck. Please keep us updated. Take care of yourself xxx

h0b0 profile image

It's a stressful enough time without the complications ! Fingers crossed for you. xx

chrisw740 profile image

Well Geraldine, metaphorically we are right there next to you, hoping for the same thing... and swiftly.

I'm sure we will all be thinking about you both until we get further good news.

During my three years on this forum I've read about others who have a particularly challenging time soon after TP but come through the other side. So here's to that and the great team no doubt all over his care and a much better time ahead. Chris xx

🙏 4 U 2.

alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Geraldine. Thinking of you and your hubby and hoping that everything starts to go well for him now. He is in the very best of hands and will be being monitored continually. 24 hours can make a huge difference at worrying times like this. Sending you a virtual hug and

wishing you both all the very best. Alf.

mattymoo33 profile image

Hi lovely, I wish you both many good wishes. You are in the best place.

Look after yourself so you can be strong when he is better. 💞


You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs to you both Lynne xxxx

Isabelle2 profile image

Oh my love, I am thinking of both of you and sending you a massive hug. I had my transplant 28 months ago. I was critical before the op and it has given me a second life. I truest hope it will be the same for your hubby.

Isabelle xx

Wass71 profile image

Hi Geraldine,

So glad to hear he has had his new liver. Sorry you've had such a traumatic and stressful time. As others have said he is in the right place to get the best care. My mum always says where there is life there is hope. I will be thinking of you both. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Thank you for letting us know, very thoughtful to keep us updated.

Best wishes to you both!!


in reply to Wass71

Best wishes, love and prayers for yours to be soon xx

Wass71 profile image
Wass71 in reply to

Thank you Filli, you are very thoughtful x Hope you are well x

Geraldine, sending love and prayers for you both xx

ThreeSmiles profile image

Along with everyone else I am 🙏 for you both as well.....

canadaliz profile image

Geraldine, thinking of you from Canada and praying for strength and healing for you both. Remember to keep yourself strong--eat and rest when you can. Tomorrow is another day and take comfort in knowing that he is in the best hands and further that though we may be scattered across the globe we have your back and will support you throughout this journey. We are a solid group with a wealth of knowledge and experience between us but most importantly we are here for each other as we traverse this journey through liver disease. My husband and I share your burden through prayer Geraldine, now take a breath and know that you are not alone. All the best, Kev and Liz Young in Canada.

Hi Geraldine

Apologies for late reply! I too shall be praying along with many others!

Please look after yourself in the meantime ! Drink plenty if you can.

Loads of love! Trish x

davianne profile image

Hi Geraldine,

I'm sorry to hear of the difficulties your Hubby had during his transplant, You are both in my thoughts and prayers for a happy outcome🙏🙏🙏


Huggy7614 profile image

At this stage we normally say congratulations, and good luck in thing fight ahead. Those sentiments are even more poignant now!! Be strong, we are all beside you both. Do keep us updated. Love to both of you. Andy.

Braveheart65 profile image

Thank you so much for the post, stay as strong as you can do. I sincerely hope your husbands journey back to health has no further major twists and that you can get some rest. In my thoughts 🙏

My love to you x

My thoughts are with you and pray for good news

Maxey666 profile image

Hi Geraldine

So sorry your hubby has had these complications. I know he will pull through and get on the road to a full recovery. Thoughts and prayers for you both. Keep strong and positive. X

Bbsmom profile image

Oh Geraldine, a moment of mixed emotions, on one hand my heart goes out to you as you endure such a nervous wait and may your god bless you both ..on the other hand, delighted Danny has the transplant over him and he is in the right place, in the right hands for hopefully giving him the best chance. Big Belfast hug coming your ways my wee love, pm if you need to xxx love n prayers xxxx Exxxx

P13jne profile image

Hi Geraldine, my thoughts and prayers are with you both just now. Stay positive, your husband has fought to get where he is just now and will keep fighting. Jane xx

Dannythedog profile image

Thank you so much everyone, this is truly an amazing forum ❤️ He has been stable through the night and I think they will keep him that way to let his body rest, he is sedated and on a ventilator. The team here are amazing, it’s not until you are in this situation that you realise how amazing and wonderful they are. Thank you all again for your good wishes and I will keep you posted. 🙏❤️

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Dannythedog

Hi Geraldine. Hope things are improving for your husband, We are all thinking of you both x

ThreeSmiles profile image
ThreeSmiles in reply to Dannythedog

That’s great Geraldine. Long may things continue to improve 👍.

Congratulations to you both, just as Chrisw740 we are all here for you. It is a difficult time, right now, but keep your faith and your strength you will need it to help him and indeed yourself through. Stay strong. You made it ! Jaycee

Robbie21 profile image

Positive news that your husband's had a stable night. Resting the body, giving it a chance to get over this extra stress is now essential. Hopefully the pathway to recovery will be in sight. Make sure you rest and look after yourself. Walking away from ICU, get some fresh air and making sure you eat and drink. It's traumatic for both of you.

Take Care x

Bs1524 profile image

My thoughts and prayers are with the both of you x

Beture47 profile image

I hope for the best outcome

Best wishes for your future together


Thanks for update Geraldine - still on your case with love, prayers and positive vibes xx

Popel profile image

Hi there I’ll be so thinking of you and your husband. He’s in fantastic hands and I’m sure you’ll both be fine and yet after all your going through your think of others just shows you what an amazing person you are and how strong of a person you are to get this far. You’ll know we’ll all be thing of you both so stay strong and stay positive. Paul

Countrywalks profile image

Best wishes thoughts and prayers for much more good progress x

Bbsmom profile image

Thanks for the update Geraldine, onwards and upwards and prayers for continued recovery. You look after yourself too pet x

Adelou profile image

Thinking of you both, but remember to look after yourself & get some sleep. I know it's hard as you fear si.ethibg will happen. Hubby had his last May, looking after yourself is just as important xx

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