Back in 2018, University of Cambridge Professor Edward Bullmore published his book, “The Inflamed Mind” a radical new approach into the understanding of depression. This concept may sound a little deep for some people. But please try and bear with me. What Prof Edward has discovered is a link between depression and our body’s immune system. This then can have serious consequences for those people who may have endure some form of physical injury, who then go on to suffer with depression.
This is the first major breakthrough in the understand of depression within the past 40-50 years. Professor Bullmore is also Vice-President of Experimental Medicine at GlaxoSmithKline in London, so it is hoped that in the coming years a different range of medication will become available in the treatment of depression.
To try and understand this concept further, Professor Bullmore has put together a rather nice, easy to follow video which some may find interesting:
So, What about the Liver Transplant then?
The next thing you realise is that it’s all over, the porter is wheeling you on a trolley from the ICU onto the liver transplant ward. You begin to take in where you are and then WHAM, the enormity and the reality of your situation hits you.
You’ve now been reborn. You’d think a person would be elated and full of happiness and joy. However, for some, there is a deep feeling of sadness. They start to think about their donor. who was this person who has now saved their life? This totally unselfish gift from a total stranger, becomes an over whelming pressure. This can be made even worse, as in my case. I realised that I really didn’t deserve this gift, I felt I wasn’t worthy. I suffered with horrendous guilt.
Most of you will know that there is a transplant technique that can be used on young children who are in need of a liver transplant. They do what is known as a split liver donation. This is where one liver can be split in two, and save the lives of two small children. I became very aware of this and felt so sad, I blamed myself and cried in my hospital bed for two days. It took me over eight months to come to terms with this.
Once a person walks out of those hospital ward doors they are very much on their own. Oh, they may have a family member to help them when they get home, but they can only help with the physical person, but not the emotion wreck that hides behind a mask inside. Nearly three years on, I have only recently learnt of the existence of these little-known mental conditions. It would appear that a post-transplant person can suffer with a form or PTSD, and that there is now a condition called Survivors Guilt this makes for an interesting read:
I really do believe that at the time of having a liver transplant, the immune system must go into overdrive at that very first cut of the surgeon’s scalpel, and that the immune system starts to dump cytokines all over the body. These then travel across the "Brain Blood Barrier" and cause a change in a person’s mood. Even in post-transplant, the body’s immune system is turn right down so as to prevent organ rejection. This in its self could very well cause the immune system to respond in producing more cytokines, which in turn bring about a feeling of melancholia. I have written to Professor Bullmore about this possible scenario, which at the time am still awaiting a reply.
I also believe that if you understand the possible reasoning behind a situation, it makes it much more acceptable to live with.
I hope some of you find this of interest.