Hi again everyone
I seem to have gone from a lurker to a serial poster recently !
Today the dreaded Endoscope appointment letter popped through the letterbox. I knew it was coming at some point soon as consultant told me after my US and Fibroscan. What has slightly alarmed me is the enclosed pamphlet explaining the procedure.
It clearly states the reason for the procedure is because you have been diagnosed with varices and will be treated with either banding or injection. I have learned enough about my disease to understand that it is fairly likely I will have some grade of varices but when I saw the consultant, I was led to understand that the Endoscope was diagnostic and was told that any varices could possibly be treated with a beta-blocker.
I appreciate it's a standard booklet sent out to everyone and if banding needs doing, so be it (certainly preferable to bleeding to death) but I seem to have gone from you might need treatment or medication straight to worst case scenario.
Is this normal ? I was really on the up as my blood results have improved so much since I gave up alcohol but now now feel thoroughly down again.