Medication confusion!: Okay, I am easily... - British Liver Trust

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Medication confusion!

Cobwebs profile image
26 Replies

Okay, I am easily confused. Was prescribed Spironolactone in hospital and was already on vitamin B and Thiamine. No side effects apart from excessive weeing which is obviously the whole point. I was prescribed Omaprazole on discharge from hospital plus antibiotics- 4 via drip in hospital, one before I was admitted and one afterwards.

Didn’t like the Omaprazole. No drastic side effects but I was struggling to put on weight and felt uncomfortable in general. So my doctor agreed that I could stop them completely. Very happy because I wanted to take as little medication as possible.

Anyway, I spoke to a doctor this week and he thought I should try Pantoprazole and Ranitidine instead. I was violently sick as soon as I started on the Pantoprazole. At least a dozen times in one day. Spoke to another doctor today and he said I should never have been prescribed Pantoprazole but should try Lansoprazole in the morning and Ranitidine at night. I start tomorrow with everything crossed that I will be okay with it.

My GP is due to phone me on Monday and maybe he will be able to reassure me. I hope so because I feel a bit lost. Lost my licence so reliant on phone calls and lifts. We don’t have a bus service.

I don’t feel sorry for myself so you mustn’t either. I am still in denial about being alcohol dependent and angry because I have never had a single point on my licence.


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Cobwebs profile image
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26 Replies
Isabelle2 profile image

Oh cobwebs,

I hope it’ll be sorted out by your gp and you’ll know exactly what to take and that it is stuff which your body agrees with.

I know, we aren’t complaining but just want to talk to people who understand. It would be great if you could drop the booze. Not easy I know.

Isabelle xx

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to Isabelle2

Hi, Isabelle, thank you for your lovely reply.

It is so frustrating. The hospital (and I have never had reason to criticise them before) failed to make a diagnosis after two weeks of incarceration and tests. Which is why I was discharged in to my doctors care. He does his best but he is not an expert in the field. But he does know me and my liver history. Warts and all. So I trust him.

Just having a bit of a grot day.

Deb xx

Isabelle2 profile image
Isabelle2 in reply to Cobwebs

We all have grot days The best is to accept it and manage a good sleep.

I hope things are better tomorrow

As for booze have you tried belvoir ginger cordial. To dilute with soda or fizzy water. It’s cheaper per drink than the fizzy one they do and gives a real kick, like alcohol. If you don’t know it please try it.

Isabelle 😘😴😴😴😴

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to Isabelle2

I am not a fussy eater but I hate anything ginger apart from the biscuits! I ate a packet a day when I was expecting my youngest! Fresh lime and soda is lovely. St Clements also. Not great with sweet stuff which doesn’t help trying to gain weight! Complan on prescription soon. Still might try the ginger. Can’t hurt, can it?

Deb xx

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Cobwebs

Hi Deb. I don't know anything about most of the tablets that you've been on or are on but I do have Ranitidine myself and it's a tablet to protect your stomach from other tablets that are taken. Also I know that the Belvoir Ginger Cordial is nice with ice and slimline tonic :-) All the best. Alf

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to alfredthegreat

The other ones are to protect from or treat things like ulcers and heartburn. So, sort of similar to the Ranitidine, I suppose. The only other medication, apart from vitamins, is the spironolactone.. Never had any side effects from that. And I understand why I need it. Will report back on Monday!!

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Cobwebs

I had Spironolactone pre transplant and had to have a break from it because it made my nipples sore. Maybe this is a male reaction to it because I have heard on this forum that other men have had that reaction. I was given another tablet in place of it but eventually ended up having to take both anyway.

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to alfredthegreat

Definitely a man thing and some even grow one or two boobs! It was in another thread on here. 🤪 Deb

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Cobwebs

Or one and a half even :-)

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to alfredthegreat

Never dull on here!

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to Cobwebs

Further to side effects.... I have a very grumbly tummy and god awful flatulence. Not sure which of the meds cause it because it is not listed as a side effect for either Ranitidine or lansoprazole. Not very ladylike at all!! Deb.

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Cobwebs

Sometimes it can be one med reacting with another.

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to alfredthegreat

To paraphrase a favourite actor —- the ginger cordial blows your head clean off! Lovely. I had it with soda but will, also, try tonic. I do drink squash and cordial but wouldn’t have ever considered trying this. Tastes beautifully grown up!


Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to alfredthegreat

Further to another question of yours! Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties!!


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Cobwebs

I shall definitely be drinking some today with Ice and tonic. Could rub some in my knee too LOL :-) :-) :-)

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to alfredthegreat

I really don’t like ginger, but have been seriously converted. Probably won’t try topical application but feel free..... Hm, you could make a medical breakthrough.


Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to Isabelle2

Goodness, that ginger cordial packs a punch! Very refreshing for a day like today. I imagine it would make a real winter warmer made up with hot water. So thank you for that tip!


Isabelle2 profile image
Isabelle2 in reply to Cobwebs

So glad you like it. I’m sure you could also mix with orange etc if you fancy something a bit lighter. So glad it hits the spot! 😂

Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to Isabelle2

Went on the net and there were some good recipes but a few involving a lot of alcohol! I think I prefer it as it comes. It really is refreshing with soda. My dear husband was very surprised when I said I was going to try it. He will be amazed to hear that I actually love it. Wonderful recommendation.


Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to Isabelle2

I have been abstinent for months and I have never driven after a drink. I lost my licence simply because they classed me as alcohol dependent. Have never even had a parking ticket or any points ever on my licence. 😔

mncold profile image

Hi Cobwebs,

Sorry to hear you are having issues with the stomach pills.

My husband was on omeprazole for a while, but is now off it and was not put on anything else like it. Often those types of meds help one to eat because they keep your stomach quiet.

Wish I could offer some help.

Hubby has gas, but we figure it is from his lactulose - the increase anyway :-)

Best wishes,


Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to mncold

Hi, Mary,

Thank you for your reply. My husband has wind but it is because he eats too quickly!!

Yes, after I came off Omaprazole I was on nothing but the spirolactone, Vitamin B and Thiamine. So simply three tablets in the morning. Just need to know why I suddenly have to take lansaprazole and Ranitidine. I gather they do roughly the same thing. I have an A4 sheet of paper of questions!! Just want to get to the bottom of why I can’t put on weight when the dieticians approved my diet and added Complan for extra calories. I had tried Fortisip which I hated and Fortijuice which was bearable but not as tasty as Complan.

Love Deborah

mncold profile image
mncold in reply to Cobwebs

Hi Deborah,

Both of the drugs the doctor recommended are for stomach issues - they are just different - one is a proton pump inhibitor and the other is a histamine something or other. They both work on stomach acid & acid reflux.

Wish I had some profound advice for you regarding gaining weight and I would share some of mine with you -as long as I get to choose where it comes from.

Good luck at your next doctor appt. And thanks - I now am adding questions for my husband's next liver doctor appt. for what & why for his pills. He is not fond of pills & keeps trying to get rid of some - he succeeded on rare occasions, but not others.

Best wishes,


Cobwebs profile image
Cobwebs in reply to mncold

I didn’t have stomach issues before I started on these! I have never had heartburn except when I was pregnant and if I have stomach acid I was unaware of it. Although I’m guessing I do so I can digest food! I just want some to explain it. Oh, I don’t know. My GP has been away but is back tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Thanks, Mary.


Dyffrynaur profile image

Where do you get your Ranitidine. I can’t get it anywhere and have been told there is a problem with production and therefore a national shortage. Are they fibbing ?

Cobwebs profile image

I came off it because it didn’t suit me. Now on Omeprazole and spironolactone. Minimal side effects. But Ranitidine was withdrawn in April this year so no-one can get it. Ask your GP for confirmation. I think Zantac was also withdrawn from over the counter sales.

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